  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    Not talking about Kangs…talking about other worlds..universes @lloyd

    Secret Wars

    Literally asks Cap if he thinks this is the only world and let’s see what happens when they have to protect it from the others (other worlds)

    really lazy post credits

  • Would love to know what the original plot / film would of been

  • Feb 14

    That post credits is so lame, this crazy ominous music when it's just more generic multiverse babble

  • vagabonds

    really lazy post credits

    Oh yes lazy, Most definitely…very dissapointing

    just seen a few people confused and wanted to clear it up

  • Feb 15
    1 reply

    Wish that hulk fight was longer

  • Feb 15
    Chip Skylark

    Wish that hulk fight was longer

  • I guess it was cool to hear "you guys are gonna have to FIGHT the other universes" vs just "encountering" them or acknowledging that they exist

  • earthwalka

    that final battle is kind of dumb. his wing blows up (?) and knock each other out. then Sam is awakened in the rubble and Red Hulk is still mad so Sam just talks to him and calms him down so film over...

    He used the wakandan energy storing s*** (which is probably magnified cuz he's energy based hulk) and blew up the wound, made it unable to heal

    Hulk was hurt (Ross still has injuries when he hulks down), he talked him down like ppl have done before. Especially with the Sam = therapist arc played up in this movie. Made sense

  • Giancarlo seemed to be the only nigga having fun lol

  • Feb 15
  • Feb 16

    Just realized there is not any actual spoilers in this movie

  • movie was good but not great. On the same level as Quantumania & Love&Thunder. (i actually didn’t even hate those movies)

    better than Eternals for sure though

  • Ngl this s*** was just another one marvel movie

  • mjpplus

    Yeah, President Ritson was his name (had to look it up)


    Rewatching this thing the show should have had some more ramifications but it was so bad that they seem to have abandoned it


  • Those this was cool but it was weird how it was kinda a sequel to The Incredible Hulk???

  • I waited so long to see the leader on screen. What a disappointment