Leave the Door Open gonna have that staying power
Drake already outta the top 3
Leave the door open will be number one soon
What is drivers license
Up got a boost cause of the twitter s***
Take rapper out of the title
How she got the number 1 song shes not even top 3 on apple charts and shes not even in the top 10 on spotify charts?
Drake already outta the top 3
Leave the door open will be number one soon
What is drivers license
Up got a boost cause of the twitter s***
He needs to listen to poundcake again
nicki stans foaming at the mouth right now gearing up for war
You talking bout @Daveacee9 ?
How she got the number 1 song shes not even top 3 on apple charts and shes not even in the top 10 on spotify charts?
#5 apple
#3 spotify
#1 youtube
#2 itunes
Gotten to the point where I refuse to believe most of the songs in the top 10 are faking streams