oh now it's "what's the point of this" when dave is painted as a piece of s***
How is he a piece of s***?
Yo I love Dave but that was the mos pointless stand up ever. Wasn't funny and now he's getting attacked everyday. Dont think it was worth it.
You know that's what entertainment is about???
Yo I love Dave but that was the mos pointless stand up ever. Wasn't funny and now he's getting attacked everyday. Dont think it was worth it.
nah it was funny
You don’t see the irony in your final sentence of people saying “ I don’t watch chappelle special but I want it taken down because it enables hate “ ?
What irony? You said "your" then said "people saying" so who are you addressing me or them people?cause I can't speak for them only me.
I didn't say he should be taken down so it's no irony on my part so explain.
What irony? You said "your" then said "people saying" so who are you addressing me or them people?cause I can't speak for them only me.
I didn't say he should be taken down so it's no irony on my part so explain.
That’s what these protest are about the content existing . As well as of course asking for more trans content ( BRING BACK SENSE8)
It was a meh special with a few funny parts by an over the hill legend and all this crying is just bringing it more promo, notoriety, legacy and views. But you got his documentary that has nothing to do with it dropped from film festivals so.....winning?
That’s what these protest are about the content existing . As well as of course asking for more trans content ( BRING BACK SENSE8)
But what does that have to do with my post?. Those people can do what they want I'm not speaking or talking bout them.
My post was about blackballing vs cancelling cause you asked the difference then you said Dave can't get his stuff played places and I said that's people's right to not wanna hear it same way people are supporting him.
One consequence does not equal blackballing the same way Dave having sold out shows rn doesn't equal a global co sign.
Things aren't black and white some people are supporting him and some aren't but oddly enough seem to only have issue with those not and make them out as censors
If Dave is allowed to say what he says which I think he is because it's his right then people have a right to not wanna associate with that for whatever reason.
But what does that have to do with my post?. Those people can do what they want I'm not speaking or talking bout them.
My post was about blackballing vs cancelling cause you asked the difference then you said Dave can't get his stuff played places and I said that's people's right to not wanna hear it same way people are supporting him.
One consequence does not equal blackballing the same way Dave having sold out shows rn doesn't equal a global co sign.
Yeah it’s just what they view as profit but would film fest we didn’t know were showing chappelle documentary showing it be a clear support of every word he has said on every special is my point . Is showing a documentary or a movie mean you agree with the authors views ? Harry Potter still MR. Worldwide lol or is it performative . Same way Dababy was removed from Lolla and replaced with young thug who said ignorant s*** about trans and gay community
Between this , squid game and You Netflix laughing
Controversy is the new s**
Dave is washed I’m afraid. Living off controversy instead of how funny and forward thinking his material is. 🗿
I mean I'm not trying to defend Dave here, but how "close" did this person expect someone as big and famous as Dave to be?
According to Dave, he gave this woman several opportunities to essentially open up for the biggest comedian ever. I imagine that doesn't just get offered to anybody, Dave clearly had some kind of rapport and admiration for this woman.
A Netflix show where multiple women are stalked and murdered by a couple “ cool “
A comedy special “ TAKE THAT S*** DOWN NOW”
“ well you Is fictional “
Dave is washed I’m afraid. Living off controversy instead of how funny and forward thinking his material is. 🗿
Name one stand up special in the last 10 years better than Sticks and Stones not from Louis CK or Norm
Yeah it’s just what they view as profit but would film fest we didn’t know were showing chappelle documentary showing it be a clear support of every word he has said on every special is my point . Is showing a documentary or a movie mean you agree with the authors views ? Harry Potter still MR. Worldwide lol or is it performative . Same way Dababy was removed from Lolla and replaced with young thug who said ignorant s*** about trans and gay community
Now you're just arguing whataboutism I will say Harry Potter is bigger then Dave so that comparison is weak.
DaBaby and Thuh comparison is also harder because Thug has also said pro LGBT things and done alot of gender bending himself so much like Prince and Little Richard it's a Grey area in how people see him.
This is ultimately where alot of arguments Chappelle supporters make fall apart yall use surface level co.parisons without really taking into account the careers of the people.
Ironically doing what you're arguing people are doing to Dave and as someone who doesn't really care for either side of the argument Id say find someone who does.
As far as I'm concerned you're all crybabies who love Free speech but not consequence
A Netflix show where multiple women are stalked and murdered by a couple “ cool “
A comedy special “ TAKE THAT S*** DOWN NOW”
“ well you Is fictional “
The "Free speech" people always eventually circle back to the conservative "But what about the violence" trope.
Name one stand up special in the last 10 years better than Sticks and Stones not from Louis CK or Norm
When you start bringing up past works you know they washed. 🗿
When you start bringing up past works you know they washed. 🗿
A special from 2 years ago means he’s washed? The mere fact you can’t even tell me another comedian even close to him means you want to complain more than discuss ✋
A special from 2 years ago means he’s washed? The mere fact you can’t even tell me another comedian even close to him means you want to complain more than discuss ✋
Yes, because we’re talking about the one he released this year not two years ago.
It’s hilarious you’re ignoring his current work because you know it’s not good.
“The mere fact you can’t even tell me another comedian even close to him means you want to complain more than discuss”