Talk to me in French
Talk to me in Spanish
Talk to me in your own made-up language
Doesn't matter if I understand it
Talk right in my ear
Tell me your secrets and fears
Once you talk to me, I'll talk to you
And say, "Hey, let's get out of here
Shall we go back to my place?"
I thought y’all said SNL was washed
I havent laughed at it in some years but it still a big deal
Well deserved. The most consistent artist out our generation to get overlooked every time she drops.
what will she perform? Apple and ?
365 easy fun femix NO SHYGIRL !!
365 easy fun femix NO SHYGIRL !!
not one of y'all gave me a serious answer.
Happy for her success. But the last funny thing on SNL was when Betty white was on. Shows been washed for a long time.
I wanna add Charli has performed on SNL a couple times before lol, the hosting spot is new tho