  • Dec 8, 2023

    I used to chase money power and status. I made sure I got job at a big 4 out college so I’d standout amongst my peers. At my job I made power moves so I could advance my career and so when I spoke it carried more weight. Dudes would show me love when I name dropped my company. I job hopped to get a higher salary. I would tell girls I work at a big 4/make 90k and they’d start flirting with me. I’d sleep with girls to impress my friends (which I wish I never did bc now I know how to get p**** but no clue how to get or maintain a committed relationship)

    I wanted the money. I had it. Power? I had it. Status too.

    I felt empty inside. I hated my job, the money was cool but most of the things I like don’t cost much. And, when I saw how superficial people are it made me resent the fact I spent so much time chasing status just so I can impress people I don’t really care about.

    It felt weird having people praise me for all these accolades when they meant nothing to me. I had things that I knew people would kill for. But it didn’t mean much to me.

    Knowing I had people I could call at anytime meant a lot to me. Traveling to new places meant a lot to me. Completing a challenging task meant a lot to me. Listening to music meant a lot to me. Hiking meant a lot to me. All of those things I had/could do regardless of my newfound money, power, or status. That’s when it clicked.

    I was taught to chase money, I was raised to be powerful, I was trained to be someone of status. But, I never took to time to figure out if that was important to ME. I realized it wasn’t. I genuinely don’t care if you look up or down at me. I just care if you’ll show me decency and respect. And if you don’t they I’ll move on. Theres people out there that will, and finding them is half of the fun for me.

    Look we only have so much time to be alive. Actually we ARE the time we have alive. You can give someone something you have. You can’t give someone your time only spend it.

    You’ll never have enough money if you’re not satisfied with the money you do have. Big or small. Humans won’t stop making money but no human has figured out how to make more time. Time is your limited resource not money. Spend wisely.

    You’ll never have enough power because there’s something or someone more powerful then you.

    You’ll never have enough status because everyone has haters.

    So why chase something futile?

    Also your not going to experience MOST of the things in life so pick a couple of things you can realistically experience and enjoy those things.
    Y’all so focused on what you lack that by the time you realize what you do have it’ll be dead and gone.

    Idk if it’s an American thing or what but it seems like everyone wants the best or to be the best. And anything less than best is worthless. But all you need is good enough. So live a life that’s good enough.

    Really the only things that truly matters is what you think matters (unless you believe in a god, then of course god’s word is gospel) So be bold! Do what you think is right, do what you enjoy, do what brings you challenge, do what brings you health. And when it stops bringing you those things stop doing it.

    If you like listening to music and taking walks. Listen to music. Take walks. If you want to take on the challenge of how to cure cancer. Hit the lab. Who cares what someone has to say about it. They’re not walking in your shoes so why follow their steps?

    Its not easy to live like this. In fact some people will flat out not like/respect you for living like this. But it’s damn sure worth it. Everything else is for the birds.

    How do you live?

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    idk if bait thread but going through same thing right now

    started my own business and im way happier just grinding out doing something im actually passionate about

    my friends still do the usual get up at 6:30 to catch the train downtown come home by 7 too tired to do anything for themselves s***

    just couldnt do it anymore

    that doesnt mean running a business is easy its probably more work tbh but i feel way more fulfilled and get to work with people i like

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    I live simple

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

  • Dec 8, 2023
    lil ufo

    I live simple

  • Dec 8, 2023

    idk if bait thread but going through same thing right now

    started my own business and im way happier just grinding out doing something im actually passionate about

    my friends still do the usual get up at 6:30 to catch the train downtown come home by 7 too tired to do anything for themselves s***

    just couldnt do it anymore

    that doesnt mean running a business is easy its probably more work tbh but i feel way more fulfilled and get to work with people i like

    No bait this time. I genuinely feel this way. Sacrificing the little time we have alive so you can say you have “more” than someone else, doing “better” than someone else, and have “power” over someone else is pointless.

    You can spend that time doing what you’re passionate about, what you enjoy or be around people you care about.

  • Dec 8, 2023


  • Dec 8, 2023

    we all got a date

    might as well enjoy the time we get and keep doing the things we love

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Typing essays on KTT also a fools errand tbh but I digress

  • Dec 8, 2023
    Not Like Josuke

    Typing essays on KTT also a fools errand tbh but I digress

    It was great for me.

  • Dec 8, 2023

    First you get that money, then you get that power

  • Dec 8, 2023

    Cash rules everything around me.

  • Dec 8, 2023
    no color

  • Dec 8, 2023

    Got to make enough to live tho.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Dec 8, 2023

    Good s*** @op

    I’m taking a big paycut this year to do something that doesn’t make me want to kill myself

  • Dec 8, 2023

    the rich mans burden

  • Dec 8, 2023

    If u in this position and still in your 20s, 30s then you are way too blessed. Be grateful that you hit the realization earlier, maybe your parents or the previous gen only found out at the time when their youth days is already taken away from them. You still have a whole life ahead of you. So you haven't find something to be passionate rn then you'll figure that out later and when that time comes you'd be glad you have the money for it. That's what the grind is for

  • Dec 8, 2023
    1 reply

    There is always the same problem that I got with life advice.

    You already had the money. You had the experience.

    You can’t just advise on skipping a crucial step in one’s journey. This goes for everything but Especially having money.

    Thanks for sharing though.

  • Dec 8, 2023

    the real fool part of it is not pacing yourself, not being realistic and not understanding the cost

  • Dec 8, 2023

    chase LOVE

  • Dec 9, 2023

    Facts man, facts

  • OP you sound like a cool dude, I’m with you. I’m just trying to be there for ppl I love, make art I think is good and see the Hornets win a ring. And I can only control 2 of those lol

  • Dec 9, 2023

    I just want enough money to provide for my family. And care for the people around me. That’s all I really need out of life. That and being creative through some outlet in my free time. It’s that simple

  • proper 🔩
    Dec 9, 2023
    1 reply

    good s*** @op

    can u send me some money since you realized you don’t need as much of it anymore? i can dm u my cashapp or zelle let me know which one u prefer.

  • Dec 9, 2023
    1 reply

    The author reflects on a past life focused on chasing money, power, and status. However, they found fulfillment in simpler things and realized the importance of spending time wisely, advocating for living a life true to oneself rather than conforming to societal expectations.