  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    If you think the majority of those issues are caused by deadbeat parents you’re a dumbass man. And you literally cherry-picked his entire argument, and you’re still wrong


    No, you f***ing dumbass. If people didn’t have kids that they had no intention or taking care or simply can’t properly take care of due to financial/mental/emotional/etc reasons then a lot of issues would be eliminated. And that’s a fact, idk what you’re arguing about. You’re another one, don’t have kids. I ain’t subsidizing your dumbass

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    Free will is a mf ain't it?

    Well they need to Will themselves to not being POS

  • Apr 23, 2023

    Chicago is a beautiful city, but like most American cities, it will be a miracle if anything can be done to save it from crime at this point imo

  • CGeezy

    you the type to have no accountability.

    Type to not study for a test and try to cheat off someone’s paper then blame the system.

    Don’t have kids if you can’t raise them

    and youre the type to fall for bait.
    many such cases.

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Well they need to Will themselves to not being POS

    I agree, but my point being was that after a certain point some parents can't control they kids

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    I agree, but my point being was that after a certain point some parents can't control they kids

    And I think my point is that if some of these households had more structure, weren’t single parent households and had parents that can actually take care of them properly. It would significantly increase their chances of not causing havoc and being productive members of society

  • Apr 23, 2023

    Believing society influences people = no accountability and lazy

    Exactly. The dumb mf actually thinks he’s right

  • Apr 23, 2023

    No, you moron. Everyone knows that society has influences but parents are the biggest factor in whether a kid goes off in the wrong direction or not

    I really dont disagree ur just being an a******

  • Apr 23, 2023
    2 replies

    No, you f***ing dumbass. If people didn’t have kids that they had no intention or taking care or simply can’t properly take care of due to financial/mental/emotional/etc reasons then a lot of issues would be eliminated. And that’s a fact, idk what you’re arguing about. You’re another one, don’t have kids. I ain’t subsidizing your dumbass

    multiple ppl itt have already told you the issues are a lot bigger than parenting in instances like this. You’ve already acknowledged it too, yet you’re still climbing up on this hill to die on over some generic

    “parents should take care of their kids” thanks (re)tard for the tip

    Don’t worry about your subsidies covering me fam. Worry about it covering you and your (re)tarded ass kids that you’re gonna have to deal with in the future. u don’t give them much hope

  • sonyatv 😽
    Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Just a reminder that many of Chicago's low income areas barely have schools (many of them shut down) and the ones left are severly out of date or barely operating plus little job opportunities even at the most basic level.

    Its a ghost town except theres people still there.

    when theres no schools and you have little to no opportunities to grow, and ur also born into poverty, you basically have nothing to lose

    so of course s***ty behavior is gonna be promoted, encouraged, influenced, etc.

    theres only so much a parent can do, especially a parent who grew up in the same exact s***ty environment

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Honestly idk if inner city Chicago can be saved. Two sides of a problem both making it all worse.

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    multiple ppl itt have already told you the issues are a lot bigger than parenting in instances like this. You’ve already acknowledged it too, yet you’re still climbing up on this hill to die on over some generic

    “parents should take care of their kids” thanks (re)tard for the tip

    Don’t worry about your subsidies covering me fam. Worry about it covering you and your (re)tarded ass kids that you’re gonna have to deal with in the future. u don’t give them much hope

    Don’t bother replying to dude, he’s a right wing troll

  • Apr 23, 2023

    multiple ppl itt have already told you the issues are a lot bigger than parenting in instances like this. You’ve already acknowledged it too, yet you’re still climbing up on this hill to die on over some generic

    “parents should take care of their kids” thanks (re)tard for the tip

    Don’t worry about your subsidies covering me fam. Worry about it covering you and your (re)tarded ass kids that you’re gonna have to deal with in the future. u don’t give them much hope

    My kids’ ed? Never. Your welfare ass going to be blaming someone else for your kids causing havoc. Try again.

    And no, it isn’t a generic hill. Your dumbass obviously hasn’t lived in a bad neighborhood where you can see this stuff firsthand. I said nothing wrong at all, if you can’t take care of your kids, don’t have them.

  • Apr 23, 2023

    Don’t bother replying to dude, he’s a right wing troll

    I’m a liberal

    And this has nothing to do with politics.

  • Apr 23, 2023

    when theres no schools and you have little to no opportunities to grow, and ur also born into poverty, you basically have nothing to lose

    so of course s***ty behavior is gonna be promoted, encouraged, influenced, etc.

    theres only so much a parent can do, especially a parent who grew up in the same exact s***ty environment

    No one wants to work in those areas though because of the crime and children’s behavior though. Teachers don’t get paid enough to be an educator/life teacher/therapist/etc. So it’s a chicken or the egg problem.

  • Mountain Dude

    Okay but parents still have the most influence over the environment, you can't tell me otherwise.

    Pretty hard for parents to raise their kids and instill valuable lessons in them when they gotta work 10-12hr shifts just to keep a roof over their head. Lotta times that's what parents raising children in harsh environments focus on the most and they hope that their kids can just figure it out.

    The sad reality is that part of the reason why the youth of Chicago end up having hard upbringings with little to no parental supervision is because their parent(s) aren't available to them often.

    It's a big reason why funding schools and after school programs/sports is important. Lotta these kids don't have s*** else to do after school but spend time outside until their parents are around. End up meeting the wrong people and getting involved in the wrong s***.

    This isn't to absolve parents of all culpability, but it's safe to say that they could use assistance in keeping their children safe and away from harmful influences. Like the old saying goes, "it takes a village".

  • Apr 23, 2023

    Honestly idk if inner city Chicago can be saved. Two sides of a problem both making it all worse.

    The rich don’t want to help

  • Apr 23, 2023

    You need to grow up

    You need more followers

  • They need the military on every block

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    this thread is wild. yall not gonna solve economic policy issues on a music forum

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    this thread is wild. yall not gonna solve economic policy issues on a music forum

    not with that attitude we won't

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    not with that attitude we won't

  • Apr 23, 2023


  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

  • Apr 23, 2023
    1 reply

    son... what the f*** is that avi im in tears from lauhging so hard