  • Jan 19, 2021

    China debuts train prototype that can hit speeds of 620 kilometers per hour

    (CNN) — China has revealed a prototype for a new high-speed Maglev train that is capable of reaching speeds of 620 kilometers (385 miles) per hour.
    The train runs on high-temperature superconducting (HTS) power that makes it look as if the train is floating along the magnetized tracks.

    The sleek 21-meter-long (69 feet) prototype was unveiled to media in the city of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, on January 13. In addition, university researchers constructed 165 meters (541 feet) of track to demonstrate how the train would look and feel in transit, according to state-run Xinhua News.

    Read here:

    That's why China is winning, meanwhile in the so-called “greatest city in the world" NYC

    That $750 billion defense budget looks nice tho

  • Jan 19, 2021
    2 replies

    I don't see why you brought up the defense budget. This is literally the fault of some Americans being d***heads/NIMBYs/wanting to drive everywhere and the MTA... well that s*** is poorly managed and bleeds money.

    Also America having some weirdo freight train system.

    Not saying the defense budget shouldn't be reallocated but don't really see how its relevant.

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Thought this was a Huawei5G thread

  • Jan 19, 2021
  • Jan 19, 2021

    muricans love their cars too

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Imagine crashing in one of these. Sudden death

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Like I agree with OP in the sense that; I'm an AMTRAK ass nigga and I'd love if it wasn't slow as s***.

  • Jan 19, 2021
    5 replies

    Why public transportation has never been prioritized in the US is beyond me

    Well not really beyond me because clearly it’s created an unnecessary industry in automobile ownership, customization and maintenance but I just disapprove

  • Jan 19, 2021
    3 replies

    Why public transportation has never been prioritized in the US is beyond me

    Well not really beyond me because clearly it’s created an unnecessary industry in automobile ownership, customization and maintenance but I just disapprove

    S***s annoying af, Americans love driving everywhere.

    The real reason bumass Americans love College is because its the only time some of them live in walkable communities.

    Niggas really live in suburbs with no f***ing sidewalks dog.

    If we had actual public transportation services, maybe these niggas could get some damn sidewalks. Less dudes calling them "Flyover" states

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 19, 2021

    is this how they got rid of Jack Ma

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Why public transportation has never been prioritized in the US is beyond me

    Well not really beyond me because clearly it’s created an unnecessary industry in automobile ownership, customization and maintenance but I just disapprove

    The segregation happened in a time when urban planning was underway in the majority of US cities. You can’t undo these urban designs without big budget and the US admitting its racism. Go figure

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Nyc trains really are a disgrace tbh lol them s***s look so f***ing janky

  • Jan 19, 2021
    3 replies

    China has spent the last decade heavily investing in infrastructure both within China & Internationally it is a very good strategy for them tbh

    The best example is the new Beijing airport

    ^can't hate tbh

    Now go ahead and compare that to LaGuardia

  • Jan 19, 2021
    1 reply

    S***s annoying af, Americans love driving everywhere.

    The real reason bumass Americans love College is because its the only time some of them live in walkable communities.

    Niggas really live in suburbs with no f***ing sidewalks dog.

    If we had actual public transportation services, maybe these niggas could get some damn sidewalks. Less dudes calling them "Flyover" states

    US spent $6.4 Trillion on the wars in the ME since 2001 This is all while China has been spending money on building infrastructure across the World instead of spending it on unnecessary wars for no real gains at all. Imagine if they used that money for actual infrastructure

  • Jan 19, 2021

    I don't see why you brought up the defense budget. This is literally the fault of some Americans being d***heads/NIMBYs/wanting to drive everywhere and the MTA... well that s*** is poorly managed and bleeds money.

    Also America having some weirdo freight train system.

    Not saying the defense budget shouldn't be reallocated but don't really see how its relevant.

    public transport is managed by the state as well, not the US gov

  • Jan 19, 2021
    3 replies

    Why public transportation has never been prioritized in the US is beyond me

    Well not really beyond me because clearly it’s created an unnecessary industry in automobile ownership, customization and maintenance but I just disapprove

    cause americans think billionaires like musk and bezos are gonna create a utopia for them

    and they legit think the government putting money into their failing infrastructure is socialism

  • Jan 19, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    cause americans think billionaires like musk and bezos are gonna create a utopia for them

    and they legit think the government putting money into their failing infrastructure is socialism

    As a Mexican American who was born and raised in the US I can reassure you that living in America is legit just being a cog in a machine

    The happiest are those who are ignorant or unaware

  • Jan 19, 2021

    gotta go fast

  • Jan 19, 2021

    S***s annoying af, Americans love driving everywhere.

    The real reason bumass Americans love College is because its the only time some of them live in walkable communities.

    Niggas really live in suburbs with no f***ing sidewalks dog.

    If we had actual public transportation services, maybe these niggas could get some damn sidewalks. Less dudes calling them "Flyover" states

    man i’ve visited US a few times and it irks me so much that I can’t just walk to a damn shop to pickup something. drive drive drive everywhere

  • Jan 19, 2021

    US needs to split up soo bad

  • Jan 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Supposedly Biden wants high speed rail.
    Praying we get it done

  • Jan 19, 2021
    3 replies

    Supposedly Biden wants high speed rail.
    Praying we get it done

    Good luck with that

    California to scale back $77 billion high-speed rail project: governor

    California’s $100 Billion Nightmare High-Speed Rail Project

    After 12 years of delays, mismanagement, and political gridlock, the total cost estimate for the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) has reached $100 billion. Initially budgeted at $35 billion, former California Gov. Jerry Brown’s dream of uniting California’s coastal metropolises and parts of the Central Valley has transformed into a disjointed, mismanaged fiscal nightmare with rising costs every single year following its inception. The $100 billion cost is 23 percent greater than the highest estimated cost of $81.4 billion that Citizens Against Government Waste projected in an extensive September 2008 joint report with the Reason Foundation and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation.

    California Bullet Train Cost Rises by Another $1 Billion

    California’s $77 billion ‘bullet train to nowhere’ faces a murky future as political opposition ramps up

    S***show continues. It's gonna take another 10 years to build it . Meanwhile Chinese Communist Party doesn't give a f***, they go out and start bulding f*** the dumb s*** lol

  • Jan 20, 2021
    1 reply

    High-speed rail lines by country:

    In Operation 36,000 km
    Under Construction 34000 km
    Total: 70000 km

    In Operation 2700 km
    Under Construction 660 km
    Total: 3420 km

    United States:
    In Operation 735 km
    Under Construction 1700 km
    Total: 2150 km

  • Jan 20, 2021

    Lmao nyc

  • Jan 20, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    cause americans think billionaires like musk and bezos are gonna create a utopia for them

    and they legit think the government putting money into their failing infrastructure is socialism