It's cool that they got Bonzai Buddy to narrate this and do all the voices
Why does Twitter notify us of CGTN of being affiliated with the Chinese state, but not BBC for being affiliated with the Britoid state?
They’re not wrong about trump but do we really need to post propaganda here on purpose?
Yes, the United States is bad bad place like many other countries
I guess state media is when a state adversarial to Western interests funds media
What I want to know is how are we going to have a cold war on China, but rely on them for everything?
lol at chinese state affiliated media but yea donnys response was abysmal, curious to see how us china relations would play out post corona when biden takes office
Why does Twitter notify us of CGTN of being affiliated with the Chinese state, but not BBC for being affiliated with the Britoid state?
cause uk is a part of the five eyes with the us, and china is a country that they target and conduct surveillance on continuously.
It's cool that they got Bonzai Buddy to narrate this and do all the voices
@op how much did they pay you
@op how much did they pay you
a small increase in his social credit score
Lmao never seen this
"The US has more confirmed cases and deaths than anybody else in the world" - China, the country with "only 4600" deaths
Get that propaganda s*** outta here lmao
Where's the lie