yikes. scroll thru the comments.
Inb4 chopped and screwed tears ITT
it’s always been like this for people who don’t fw C&S, not a generational thing
niggas want that slowed and reverb
c&s really an acquired taste
niggas want that slowed and reverb
i fw it but it sounds so milquetoast "slow and reverb"
slowed + reverb is just C&S for people who didn’t know C&S existed before
The comments on the KTT thread for c&s SM2 were so disrespectful...swear of yall aren’t even rap fans lol
Not everybody likes C&S. Personally I prefer slowed and reverb, I want to have the song in it's entirety not chopped and displaced.
i fw it but it sounds so milquetoast "slow and reverb"
name speaks for itself
slowed + reverb is just C&S for people who didn’t know C&S existed before
I don't know why y'all keep saying this. Is it so wrong someone wants to listen to their favorite song slowed but not chopped the f***ing hell?
dream pop c&s out of this world
I don't know why y'all keep saying this. Is it so wrong someone wants to listen to their favorite song slowed but not chopped the f***ing hell?