Anyone who doesn't understand what she's doing with that tweet is an illiterate moron....
Well I don’t watch those shows so what am I missing besides a bad attempt at sarcasm that comes across extremely creepy
Watch this one first
If it interests you enough I’ll send you the 2nd one. Not trynna overwhelm you.
Where's the second one?
Watch this one first
If it interests you enough I’ll send you the 2nd one. Not trynna overwhelm you.
Lol already seen this one and the Tom hanx. Creepy stuff
Lol already seen this one and the Tom hanx. Creepy stuff
You’re as caught up as the rest of us then!
At this rate it’s only a matter of time before we get more revelations.
Where's the second one?
Almost has a million views I’m shocked it hasn’t been taken down
This one also isn’t incriminating high profile figures nearly as much as the first one so that might be why
You’re as caught up as the rest of us then!
At this rate it’s only a matter of time before we get more revelations.
Just been under the impression all these celebs are indicted and under house arrest
Just been under the impression all these celebs are indicted and under house arrest
Not for another 10 years my brother
But we will fight for justice
Not for another 10 years my brother
But we will fight for justice
I know I meant like isn’t the ball rolling rn? Indictments are out and soon they’ll be taken down?
I know I meant like isn’t the ball rolling rn? Indictments are out and soon they’ll be taken down?
Not even close man.
Like remotely.
Democrat party cucks are under the impression that this has been CONFIRMED debunked when there hasn’t even been a D.C. police investigation let alone an FBI investigation
Why is this dumb b**** playing victim and lying?
“ They have definitely been living for this and have zeroed in on ONLY me.”
I’ve seen people go way harder on Tom Hanks, Oprah, Hillary, Obama, the list goes on. But yeah it’s “only her” I’m guessing this is another “sarcastic” tweet
Not even close man.
Like remotely.
Democrat party cucks are under the impression that this has been CONFIRMED debunked when there hasn’t even been a D.C. police investigation let alone an FBI investigation
I’m confused. So Ellen and them aren’t on house arrest?
I’m confused. So Ellen and them aren’t on house arrest?
I didn’t even hear about that but na that was fake
Nah the little girls doing splits...put herself in jail tweet is unexplainable man what the f***
Almost has a million views I’m shocked it hasn’t been taken down
This one also isn’t incriminating high profile figures nearly as much as the first one so that might be why
this one sure does have hanx looking funny in the light tho
Nah the little girls doing splits...put herself in jail tweet is unexplainable man what the f***
It’s definitely sketchy
Especially being that she deleted 60k tweets
this one sure does have hanx looking funny in the light tho
Seth Green too with his homie being suicided and s***
It’s definitely sketchy
Especially being that she deleted 60k tweets
lmfao wtf!? How do you delete that many tweets
I didn’t even hear about that but na that was fake
Nah bro don’t trust “fact check”, this b**** Ellen going on a “summer break” where the backyard? Ain’t no one traveling rn
Nah the little girls doing splits...put herself in jail tweet is unexplainable man what the f***
Apparently we are illiterate morons if we don’t understand that tweet
Nah bro don’t trust “fact check”, this b**** Ellen going on a “summer break” where the backyard? Ain’t no one traveling rn
I thought USA TODAY is usually good with the fact checks but I’ll look more into Ellen
lmfao wtf!? How do you delete that many tweets
Idek dude
She did it with the swiftness too
I thought USA TODAY is usually good with the fact checks but I’ll look more into Ellen
She hasn’t been doing her show because she’s on a “summer break”
1. She wouldn’t even leave her house to go film in her studio to switch it up, plus travel is restricted, so she’s going on a “summer break” to still sit in the house? 🤨
2. In this climate with the protest and all that, why would you take a “break” when you can use your platform to spread the important message.
3. The fact that she hasn’t left the house since COVID started. Other host have gon to they studios to record without an audience, why can’t she once in a while?
4. Look at her and others like Stephen Colbert, they really look like they haven’t left the house in months.
5. Ellen hasn’t done this but everyone else like Tom Hanks, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Green, Oprah have all turned off IG comments or limit them to only allowing people they follow to comment.
6. Jimmy Kimmel has Anthony Anderson “substituting” for him right now so he can go on a “break”, if it’s a “summer break” why does he need a substitute? Anthony Anderson isn’t worthy of a “summer break”?