I can't even imagine how epic ancient Greece would look through the eyes of Nolan
remember when bro just used shots of the New York skyline and Chicago for Gotham city ?
whitewashing Greeks by casting white people to play them? I’m confused here
people of Ancient Greece were not white, they mostly had matte skin, akin to current people of North Africa. i don't know what you don't understand here chief.
I can't even imagine how epic ancient Greece would look through the eyes of Nolan
Excited that the general opinion seems to be excitement over this, but it's very weird to see so many people want him to go back to the same sci-fi/espionage stuff he's done before.
That’s his specialty so he should definitely get back in that bag when he’s done delivering this kino
Real ones knew what it was since Interstellar. IN NOLAN WE TRUST!!!!
REAL real ones know Interstellar was a step down from Inception
people of Ancient Greece were not white, they mostly had matte skin, akin to current people of North Africa. i don't know what you don't understand here chief.
Matte is not a skin tone, any skin tone can be matte or shiny
do you mean they had olive complexion?
REAL real ones know Interstellar was a step down from Inception
Real ones know this is a brain dead take and warrants immediate d*** testing
really hope it’s Ludwig again, his work on Oppenheimer is special
My biggest pet peeve is when all-time directors do adaptations
I wanna see something fresh man
Kubrick is one of the best adapters and film makers of all time and will turn the source material into something new and fresh. Dr. Strangelove or “Red Alert” was was a drama. He wrote it as a drama and then realized it had to be satire. He turned the material into something new and fresh. I understand the sentiment but there really is a lot of material that has to be adapted that is unique and interesting and ready to be made for the screen if in the right hands of the right person.
The problem I think you’re referring too is just bad 1:1 adaptations of source material. Kubricks philosophy was that he didn’t care if he changed the source the material to fit the cinematic language.
Nothing wrong with adapting for me, it’s just no one knows how to adapt.
Original stories are good too and we should strive for making new ones but it’s really just moo because at the end of the day it just how well it’s being executed. Plenty of fresh and exciting new concepts get made frequently but they don’t resonate because they missed the mark.
really hope it’s Ludwig again, his work on Oppenheimer is special
I was f***ing stoked to learn that Nolan would be adapting The Odyssey. Then I remembered Tom Holland is in it.
If he plays an adult and not a teenage kid, s*** is forced
Why don't get conservatives get mad when Hollywood whitewashes history but get mad when black people play fictional characters?
They perform for whatever gets them votes.
remember when bro just used shots of the New York skyline and Chicago for Gotham city ?
I can't tell if you are dissing Nolan or not
really hope it’s Ludwig again, his work on Oppenheimer is special
Not to jinx anything but it's basically confirmed to be Ludwig at this point
Matte is not a skin tone, any skin tone can be matte or shiny
do you mean they had olive complexion?
that’s how we say it in French so I thought it was the same in English but yeah I mean they had rather olive skin, white people in Ancient Greece were strangers from other regions of the continent