Rosenberg listened the album in a private listening session they've done and talks about it a bit saying the album needed few tweaks when Mac died.
"They haven't let anything get out" uhhh.... about that.
I think Rosenberg has to say that to not put spotlight on the leaks for people who are casuals. Hip Hop fan who are more savvy than others know about it but regular people/casual fans?Nah, they don't know about any of it
I think Rosenberg has to say that to not put spotlight on the leaks for people who are casuals. Hip Hop fan who are more savvy than others know about it but regular people/casual fans?Nah, they don't know about any of it
Yeah after the Benji the dog leak the estate have done well to keep the leaks on the low
Good News is the first single and drops tonight
Good News is the first single and drops tonight
its out rn
amazing song
And I don't have a name, I don't have a name, no
Who am I to blame? Who am I to blame? No
And I cannot be changed, I cannot be changed, no, trust me, I've tried
I just end up right at the start of the line, drawin' circles, mhm
such a beautiful track man.. i had it on repeat earlier. so many feels.
this release is really not gonna feel the same, whenever his albums dropped I'd pay so much attention to all the pr events they would do for the release and got to go to some really cool stuff. His CRWN interview live with elliot wilson was sick and I even got to ask him a question there
that's so dope man what was the question?
Swimming became my favorite album of his. I really hope they get this right
Have you gotten a chance to listen all of his material before Swimming yet?
theres also a new ig for this release it looks like:
I think he wrote Good News right after the DUI. In the music video you even have the same car he crashed. Song is beautiful.