I kind of have the impression that circles was nearly done too. He was clearly all in on the concept.
Lol what? The album was basically done by the time he passed. It’s well documented, Brion was in the process of fine tuning the songs themselves. Swimming has no actual “features” either. There’s mad instrumental segments in that project as well. Wtf are you even saying haha
didn't know that, thanks for the info. I haven't kept up with this project, I thought the only info known was that instagram post.
I kind of have the impression that circles was nearly done too. He was clearly all in on the concept.
It was fam
jon brion's a saint. linked to another untimely death in elliott smith who he produced.
weird how he picks up the pieces.
i'm hoping this is legit and not a cash grab.
best news i heard all year. this is awesome.
I kind of have the impression that circles was nearly done too. He was clearly all in on the concept.
I’m praying it is fam I need one more complete Mac project to feel like our proper goodbye
have to say the message impressed me.
this is how posthumous releases should be handled.
Jon Brion did the synths at the end of So It Goes right?
I think this is going to be amazing, I think Mac was probably close enough to having this complete by the time swimming came out
OG version got me in tears
I saw that s*** on YouTube is that a legit leak where it was like a rough version? It’s so dope