Don’t need this. RIP to Mac tho. But outside of Faces, his music was very mediocre.
f*** you
Yeah I know but I’m hoping we get a version with those piano chords
that live version on the piano is still my fav, so raw
Maybe a single this friday?
Hope not. Feel like this is gonna be one of those albums you want to hear front to back first listen
I love you Malcolm. Rest in peace.
Wonder if they’ll drop any merch/physical copies. I hope I can grab a vinyl copy or something.
I am so excited and I really hope this is not just a cash grab quick thing which I believe it isn't since they took their time with it.
Just wonder how much was finished by Mac
After reading those texts & knowing Swimming was kind of the positive outlook of it. I wonder if Circles gives us an in-depth of his final mindset. Cause no lie this death is still the darkest we’ve faced.
Don’t need this. RIP to Mac tho. But outside of Faces, his music was very mediocre.