I'm very optimistic this will be a great project. I feel as if Mac's camp wouldnt allow this to release if they truly didnt think it was worthy of being his final album. This doesnt feel like a cashgrab imo
It's going to artistically be his best and its gonna break my f***ing heart that that's where it ended.
Candles twice as bright burn half as long.
Wow, I'm very excited for this. Definitely going to support and buy. RIP to one of my favorite artists of all time. His music helped me through so much.
circles is supposed to be like the programs single right?
What gave you that idea?
we have any idea on a tracklist or who might be featured?
outside of jon brion we don't know
we have any idea on a tracklist or who might be featured?
Hope theres no fts tbh
we have any idea on a tracklist or who might be featured?
songs that are maybe on it: good news, circles, once a day
Don’t need this. RIP to Mac tho. But outside of Faces, his music was very mediocre.
Dam u a real piece of s*** bro
What gave you that idea?
I was thinking w/ the circles around the trio single release album art, they'd have to be related to the albums.
Small Worlds was on Swimming and since Circles is supposed to be a companion album w/ a different direction (or sound), Programs fits the bill better than Buttons. Just a thought.
This will be extraordinary but my hopes are a little lower than most because I’m not entirely sure how much of circles was done. I know macs unreleased stuff was 100x more complete than other artists but that was for his past work and not something for the future. I’m gonna love the s*** out of this regardless I just hope it’s as good as I’m expecting
Dam u a real piece of s*** bro
He has to be a piece of s*** because of his opinion? Lmao
He has to be a piece of s*** because of his opinion? Lmao
He a piece of sht fr coming itt were every1 mourning d passing of n artst talkn bout HiS DiScOgRaPhY IsNt ThAt GoOd
Was Good News made in this era? Cause if it was then between that and Circles I think the album is going to sound great.
Was Good News made in this era? Cause if it was then between that and Circles I think the album is going to sound great.
i’m pretty sure it is or it might be swimming
He a piece of sht fr coming itt were every1 mourning d passing of n artst talkn bout HiS DiScOgRaPhY IsNt ThAt GoOd
If it’s not good to him it’s just not good to him lol