Never done Coachella before only festival I’ve been to is acl. What’s the sleeping situation like? I plan on just going solo. Do you really have to camp there or are there any responsibly priced hotels I can Uber back and forth from?
if u tryna get a hotel u should probably book it yesterday
this or f***ing rolling loud f***. also why is f***ing Indio california so expensive who the hell y'all think y'all are?
Frank live is so good. One of the best days of my life when I saw him. Enjoy it. Well worth it.
Oh, this'll be my 3.5th time
Went to Channel Orange tour in 2012, saw him perform his Oldie verse on a an OF tour in late 2012, and saw him at FYF in 2017. 2.5 times
Frank live is so good. One of the best days of my life when I saw him. Enjoy it. Well worth it.
Flew across the world to see this mf at Primavera still very f***ing furious
Flew across the world to see this mf at Primavera still very f***ing furious
You didn't see him?
Edit: I read that as Panorama
my bad it's AM. fixed.
Are there usually weekend 2 tickets available at like 2 PST?
Imma be sleep at 11
this or f***ing rolling loud f***. also why is f***ing Indio california so expensive who the hell y'all think y'all are?
it's only expensive bc it's coachella weekend
Flew across the world to see this mf at Primavera still very f***ing furious
Yea you crazy for that
Just got a weekend 2 pass even though I have a wedding that weekend and can’t go. Hopefully swapping with someone for weekend 1 on the exchange won’t be that difficult
Nice I was worried Weekend 1 would sell out before today even went on sale.
S***! I assumed I wouldn't even have a chance at weekend 1 today. They kept saying over and over how limited they were. I should've just tried for that
Depends on your set up. Some people sleep in their vans. I've done tents and back of cars when I've gone in the past.
If you're going to camp, you need to be prepped for anything, but it gets calm from 3 AM - 7 AM.
Didn't have any safety problems personally, but there are incidents here and here.
Do you know how it is when leaving to a hotel per day? Does it get packed leaving?
Yea you crazy for that
I was travelling anyway and there were enough other goats that it wasn't a waste or anything but still
I was travelling anyway and there were enough other goats that it wasn't a waste or anything but still
I gotta check out Primavera one day it looks hella fun
Couldn’t get tickets either weekend
What went wrong? I don't see anything about it being sold out yet.
What went wrong? I don't see anything about it being sold out yet.
wait wtf it was telling me there were no tickets
this or f***ing rolling loud f***. also why is f***ing Indio california so expensive who the hell y'all think y'all are?
Coachella s***s on RL in every way
this or f***ing rolling loud f***. also why is f***ing Indio california so expensive who the hell y'all think y'all are?
yeah this why I'm hesitating. Feels super involved and expensive to get to indio and stay there for 3-4 days. This s*** looks cool but I don't know if it's worth $2k to me