  • Dec 7, 2022

    i just opened a vanilla coke thinking it was gonna hit but all i felt was the syrup on my teeth

    should’ve got a sprite smh

  • Dec 7, 2022
    3 replies

    peach sprite

  • Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply

    About to crack open a Jarrito

    Thanks @op

  • Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Vanilla Coke is ass, don't lump it together with regular cola

  • Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply
    FKA Tadow

    About to crack open a Jarrito

    Thanks @op

    i’ve walked past these in the grocery store all my life what flavor is good

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply

    vanilla coke is one of the worst..that's not 'plain' cola

    if you want good coke, buy it in little bottles, classic ones, and drink only cold

    the worst soda might be mountain dew

  • Dec 7, 2022

    i’ve walked past these in the grocery store all my life what flavor is good

    I like Passionfruit & Strawberry

  • Dec 7, 2022

    Regular cola be hitting sometimes

  • Dec 7, 2022
    3 replies

    Coke is nasty. If you’re gonna get just cola flavored at least get Pepsi

  • Dec 7, 2022

    peach sprite

    I love the idea of peach sprite but it never hits as good as I hope it will. I blame those freestyles.

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 7, 2022
    2 replies

  • Dec 7, 2022

    Soda in general is trash

  • Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply
    lil ufo
    · edited

    Freeway is rat poison, wtf are you doing

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply
    Durag Jesus

    Freeway is rat poison, wtf are you doing

    we were kids and we were poor, it was 40 cents a can

  • Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply
    lil ufo

    we were kids and we were poor, it was 40 cents a can

    i know, that s*** used to hit hard the orange one

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 7, 2022
    Durag Jesus

    i know, that s*** used to hit hard the orange one

    in a hot summer day with the boys after a football match or a parkour session

  • Imagine drinking soda in almost 2023

    Shout out to my hydro💧gang

  • Dec 7, 2022
    2 replies
    lil ufo
    · edited

    i haven’t seen pepsi with lime since like 2005 lmao

  • Dec 7, 2022

    Cherry coke zero supremacy

  • Dec 7, 2022

    Strawberry soda >>>>

  • Dec 7, 2022

    i haven’t seen pepsi with lime since like 2005 lmao

    they had a summer remix one year that was gas too

  • Dec 7, 2022

  • Dec 7, 2022

    I f***s with Vanilla Coke and Cherry Coke.

  • Dec 7, 2022

    its def the worst for mixing alcohol but in general its pretty cool

  • Dec 7, 2022

    i haven’t seen pepsi with lime since like 2005 lmao

    lime pepsi/coca cola sound good af