  • Nov 12, 2019

    Where my machine learning gang at

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    @texmaker Nothing wrong with getting experience elsewhere then later applying to a FAANG if that's what you want to do. If anything it would probably be easier to pass the interview.

    @razertoaster Realized I didn't talk about grad life in my other post - it's really chill, a lot more relaxed than undergrad. Like no professors are really on your ass about anything. BUT at the same time, since no one is on your ass about anything you have to be self-motivated. Like your progress will stagnate if you aren't actively putting work in. Sure you can pass the classes but that's not really what it's all about

    Brehh I'm a first year in computational biology PhD i feel this, like some days I wake up like I rly don't have s*** that I have to do but other days I realize I haven't done any of the s*** I planned to

  • Nov 12, 2019

    So ideally for my career I want to be doing something research related. Preferably in the industry so I can get paid adequately.

    Most of those jobs go to people with PhDs so that’s the current long term goal. But right now I’m in a masters program to scope things out, not only to see how I like academic research and if I would even want to do a PhD but also to see what kind of industry research jobs are available for people with just an MS. If I can get my foot in the door with the masters and work up to a researcher role that would be awesome.

    This was supposed to be @razertoaster

    How is ur funding situation? That's the only reason I didn't want to do a master's, PhD programs pretty much guarantee funding. Worst case u get a master's and bounce.

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    Brehh I'm a first year in computational biology PhD i feel this, like some days I wake up like I rly don't have s*** that I have to do but other days I realize I haven't done any of the s*** I planned to

    Yeah definitely setting short medium and long term goals is a necessity. Good luck with your PhD!! It seems daunting but very cool in the freedom you get.

    As for my funding situation well lol... Let’s just say I’m helping fund the school ☠️ It’s a state school so tuition is nothing crazy but yeah that’s the one thing I definitely missed out on by not applying for phd programs.

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    Im a CS grad student studying programming languages, gonna try and get a google internship this coming summer

    taking programming languages rn and holy f*** its od whack. the professor is so awful and it makes an already difficult topic 10x worse. she curves her 50s-60s to B's lol

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    taking programming languages rn and holy f*** its od whack. the professor is so awful and it makes an already difficult topic 10x worse. she curves her 50s-60s to B's lol

    Are you guys doing like evaluation?

  • I hate C. f*** this language lol

  • Nov 13, 2019

    Are you guys doing like evaluation?

    we were learning about implementing subprograms today. I'm studying for a test thursday as we speak that covers parsing, names/bindings/scopes, data types & intro to subprograms.

    man, her teaching style is just such a giant hurdle we have to get across. and the fact that the material itself is so detail heavy/dry is a recipe for struggle. sure the concepts are important to some extent but do I really have to know how static scoping works in ada? lmao. its hard bouncing between learning these topics as they apply to 10 different languages

  • Nov 13, 2019

    anyways, here's some motivation for my cs kings looking for internships

    happy leet-coding!

  • Nov 13, 2019

    Yeah definitely setting short medium and long term goals is a necessity. Good luck with your PhD!! It seems daunting but very cool in the freedom you get.

    As for my funding situation well lol... Let’s just say I’m helping fund the school ☠️ It’s a state school so tuition is nothing crazy but yeah that’s the one thing I definitely missed out on by not applying for phd programs.

    Thxs bro! GL with ur program man u finna make big bank soon lol

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    My algos class is insane tbh. We cover Fourier transform one class then rsa cryptography in the same week. Next week minimum spanning trees and single source shortest paths. My brain is on fire lol s*** makes statistics look easy

    This final will consume my soul smh. Legit wake up from a nap life fuuuuck me lol. Finna drown in Tropicana watermelon juice

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    My algos class is insane tbh. We cover Fourier transform one class then rsa cryptography in the same week. Next week minimum spanning trees and single source shortest paths. My brain is on fire lol s*** makes statistics look easy

    This final will consume my soul smh. Legit wake up from a nap life fuuuuck me lol. Finna drown in Tropicana watermelon juice

    Whew taking algos in the spring can’t wait

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    Whew taking algos in the spring can’t wait

    Bruh what

    I've never met a soul in my life hype for that s*** lmao

  • Nov 13, 2019
    2 replies

    Bruh what

    I've never met a soul in my life hype for that s*** lmao

    Tbh I love figuring that stuff out, the satisfaction when you completely understand something that looked like some black magic when you first looked at it >>>>

  • Nov 13, 2019

    Tbh I love figuring that stuff out, the satisfaction when you completely understand something that looked like some black magic when you first looked at it >>>>

    S*** is hard af

  • Nov 13, 2019
    2 replies

    for anyone going to college for anything computer science related, is it worth it? are you genuinely enjoying it?

  • Nov 13, 2019
    Chris M

    for anyone going to college for anything computer science related, is it worth it? are you genuinely enjoying it?

    Definitely enjoying it. I would say it’s only worth it if u do tho. No point in forcing a career even if the money is good, you’ll just be miserable

  • Nov 13, 2019
    Chris M

    for anyone going to college for anything computer science related, is it worth it? are you genuinely enjoying it?

    Yeaa like smoofer said if u don't enjoy it it will get very old very fast. Its worth trying it out but I'd recommend mayb trying to find a project to see if the process of coding is fun to you. Also u should consider focusing on a particular application of programming like web dev software design etc, not yet but just keep that in mind cus u will need internships/projects to get any jobs etc.

    Consider computational biology/Bioinformatics, it's a growing field that doesn't require super advanced programming skills but will give u experience with a lot of languages/algorithms and can lead to pretty much anything.

  • Nov 13, 2019

    Tbh I love figuring that stuff out, the satisfaction when you completely understand something that looked like some black magic when you first looked at it >>>>

    you a smart mf huh

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    does being a developer count as computer science

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    does being a developer count as computer science

    yes , we dont gatekeep here

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    yes , we dont gatekeep here

    im in this bih ! graduated uni as a software engineer bachelor in july been working since then

  • sense 🍀
    Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    im in this bih ! graduated uni as a software engineer bachelor in july been working since then

    smarty pants

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    smarty pants

    thank u im lawys at work when we have our sexy time..

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    Start with plain js, html, css without libraries.

    When creating projects for yourself, it's important to understand what's happening under the hood,otherwise debugging will become a nightmare