  • Oct 12, 2020
    1 reply

    I have my associates in CS but don't really know what to do with it, anyone have any input? Im not even really sure what to be looking for on Indeed other than searching 'computer science' but I don't really feel qualified for much of anything.
    Preferably something I can do remote, ive been working remote for 5 years and dont really wanna make the switch to an in person job

  • Oct 12, 2020
    1 reply
    ranch dubois

    I have my associates in CS but don't really know what to do with it, anyone have any input? Im not even really sure what to be looking for on Indeed other than searching 'computer science' but I don't really feel qualified for much of anything.
    Preferably something I can do remote, ive been working remote for 5 years and dont really wanna make the switch to an in person job

    What sort of specific field are you trying to get into, if any? Definitely create a LinkedIn if you haven’t yet, five years of work experience is definitely valuable

  • Oct 12, 2020
    1 reply

    What sort of specific field are you trying to get into, if any? Definitely create a LinkedIn if you haven’t yet, five years of work experience is definitely valuable

    The long term goal is data science but I'm just looking for anything relevant in the meantime. My job is kind of bs & not really related is 5 years of that still valuable either way?

  • Oct 12, 2020

    Anyone want to start reading papers together? like starting paperswelove, but for KTT2


  • Oct 12, 2020
    ranch dubois

    The long term goal is data science but I'm just looking for anything relevant in the meantime. My job is kind of bs & not really related is 5 years of that still valuable either way?

    True, what sort of job? My advice to people wanting to branch out is to see if your company has some sort of stats/data a***ysis department and start there. What about data science in particular appeals to you?

  • me to my programming team members

  • Oct 13, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm thinking about doing a course for UI / UX design should I also gain some skills in front end web development?

  • Oct 15, 2020
    3 replies

    I know nobody cares but landed my first SWE job as a Backend Engineer

  • Oct 15, 2020
    1 reply

    I know nobody cares but landed my first SWE job as a Backend Engineer

    nice fam, hope it goes great

  • Oct 15, 2020
    stream evangelion

    I'm thinking about doing a course for UI / UX design should I also gain some skills in front end web development?


  • Oct 15, 2020
    1 reply

    nice fam, hope it goes great

    I’m self taught and started in Late January this year and although Reddit gonna Reddit, reading all the people who complain on there even for entertainment can be demoralizing

  • Oct 15, 2020

    I’m self taught and started in Late January this year and although Reddit gonna Reddit, reading all the people who complain on there even for entertainment can be demoralizing

    Self taught Damn this inspiring af

  • Oct 15, 2020
    2 replies

    starting my journey with python today, always wanted to learn

  • Oct 15, 2020
    hot pancakes

    starting my journey with python today, always wanted to learn

  • Oct 15, 2020

    I know nobody cares but landed my first SWE job as a Backend Engineer


  • Oct 16, 2020

    I know nobody cares but landed my first SWE job as a Backend Engineer

    Lets gooooo

  • Oct 16, 2020

    can’t stress how horrible all these coding tests are to get into some of these grad schemes

  • Oct 22, 2020

    Got part 2 of that operating systems project, wish me luck 😬

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Anyone wanna take a crack at my OS homework. It's a MLFQ scheduler

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Anyone wanna take a crack at my OS homework. It's a MLFQ scheduler

    dude im in an operating systems class rn, this has to be the hardest class ive ever taken idk if its cause its being taught all through zoom or what but this s*** is so difficult

  • Oct 23, 2020
    2 replies

    I've been a little MIA due to work and other things. Thinking about starting with some database or web dev papers. Any thoughts?

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Also, great full stack course:

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I've been a little MIA due to work and other things. Thinking about starting with some database or web dev papers. Any thoughts?

    definitely down to look at some web dev papers, just recently getting back into web development myself

  • Oct 23, 2020

    definitely down to look at some web dev papers, just recently getting back into web development myself

    got a second semester module on this s*** so this could help prep

  • Oct 23, 2020

    I've been a little MIA due to work and other things. Thinking about starting with some database or web dev papers. Any thoughts?

    I’m more on theory side than this but would def be interested in reading and chatting about it
