  • Oct 26, 2020
    hot pancakes

    starting my journey with python today, always wanted to learn

    python so fun to play around with

  • Oct 26, 2020

    Gonna buckle down and prepare for Google interview after 3 years of sitting on my degree at an unrelated job. Skill decay is real

  • Oct 27, 2020

    damn this test is s***ting on me

  • Oct 27, 2020

    Its Colabritive ..

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Computer architecture and operating systems classes at the same time is taking a toll on my brain

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Computer architecture and operating systems classes at the same time is taking a toll on my brain

    Yeah, it's a really bad idea to put those courses in the same semester. You should know how a computer works inside and out before trying to write an OS for it.

    But don't let that discourage you. They were easily my favourite courses, along with compiler design.

  • Oct 28, 2020

    Yeah, it's a really bad idea to put those courses in the same semester. You should know how a computer works inside and out before trying to write an OS for it.

    But don't let that discourage you. They were easily my favourite courses, along with compiler design.

    yeah i like comp architecture more than os right now

  • Oct 29, 2020
    3 replies

    this is gonna sound desperate, because i am

    but how important are uni/college grades for getting a software engineering job? (meaning i would have a degree in software engineering but not the best grade)

    i feel like im drowning in my final year work already and it's not looking good for me

  • Oct 29, 2020
    1 reply

    this is gonna sound desperate, because i am

    but how important are uni/college grades for getting a software engineering job? (meaning i would have a degree in software engineering but not the best grade)

    i feel like im drowning in my final year work already and it's not looking good for me

    I feel like past an entry level position it doesn’t really matter that much, most employers will just check if its solid 3-3.5+ I’d imagine

    and it also depends on what the role you’re applying for is exactly, like for web dev it wouldn’t really matter so much but for like SWE and ML/AI grads, it may be worth it for employers to look at it if comparing two different people

    But honestly I think it’s mostly more important what kind of side projects you’re doing and showing that you actually care about the field you’re pursuing, a solid gpa is definitely helpful

  • Oct 29, 2020

    I feel like past an entry level position it doesn’t really matter that much, most employers will just check if its solid 3-3.5+ I’d imagine

    and it also depends on what the role you’re applying for is exactly, like for web dev it wouldn’t really matter so much but for like SWE and ML/AI grads, it may be worth it for employers to look at it if comparing two different people

    But honestly I think it’s mostly more important what kind of side projects you’re doing and showing that you actually care about the field you’re pursuing, a solid gpa is definitely helpful

    Thank you bro

    I really appreciate it

  • Oct 30, 2020
    1 reply

    i have got to stop waiting till last minute to do my programming projects

  • Oct 30, 2020

    i have got to stop waiting till last minute to do my programming projects


  • keep it g 🙏🏽
    Oct 31, 2020

    gonna build a little jeopardy app tonight for some random apprenticeship im applying to

    then spending all day tomorrow on twitters apprenticeship hackerrank, then back to jeopardy to write tests sunday

    hope at least one of em responds

  • Nov 1, 2020
    2 replies

    Hello, so a paper that may interest you all is the one associated with GPT-3.


    Brief explanation:

    Gwern post:

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    really want to start a side project as my actual work is boring as s***.

    just don't know where to begin/I have no idea what to work on and I don't want that to be the deferring factor

  • Nov 2, 2020
    1 reply

    i would be an ass and call y'all nerds but i dont wanna get hacked or some s*** so keep up the good work boys and good luck on your interview at google that one guy

  • Nov 2, 2020

    really want to start a side project as my actual work is boring as s***.

    just don't know where to begin/I have no idea what to work on and I don't want that to be the deferring factor

    maybe contribute to some open source stuff to scratch that itch in the meantime? u might come up w something while doing that

  • Nov 2, 2020

    i would be an ass and call y'all nerds but i dont wanna get hacked or some s*** so keep up the good work boys and good luck on your interview at google that one guy

  • Nov 2, 2020

    Hello, so a paper that may interest you all is the one associated with GPT-3.


    Brief explanation:

    Gwern post:

    actually pretty nutty stuff, you're able to essentially describe a task or an idea and the AI can build off of it the result you were expecting

  • Nov 12, 2020

    python is just so much fun

  • Nov 12, 2020

    Hello, so a paper that may interest you all is the one associated with GPT-3.


    Brief explanation:

    Gwern post:

    so crazy. it’s a shame OpenAI have “exclusively licensed” this tech to microsoft... doesn’t sound very “Open” to me

  • Nov 12, 2020

    this is gonna sound desperate, because i am

    but how important are uni/college grades for getting a software engineering job? (meaning i would have a degree in software engineering but not the best grade)

    i feel like im drowning in my final year work already and it's not looking good for me

    There’s a couple ways to get that first software engineering job...

    • College Degree
    • Programming Boot Camp
    • Work Experience with No Degree
    • Contributing to an open source project getting noticed and recruited

    Probably certifications in certain s*** help as well. In the end when you finally get an interview it comes down to your knowledge and performance there, which is a flawed process (don’t get me started on how s***ty tech interviews are)...

    After that first initial job though, as long as you get good experience after about 2 years you should be good maybe even 1 year. You can freelance in the meantime there’s people looking for individual programmers to work on specific projects for them and pay pretty decent.

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    okay so i got done with some basic html and css courses online just tryin to get somethin under my belt before i start computer science courses at university

  • Nov 14, 2020

    okay so i got done with some basic html and css courses online just tryin to get somethin under my belt before i start computer science courses at university

    thats good but its ok if you are starting from zero plenty of people do. plus cs is more than just programming

    good luck!

  • Nov 15, 2020
    1 reply

    anybody have any experience with Arduino / Xbee / Zumo Robot?
