  • Sep 18, 2021

    what was going to be your phd concentration?

    Type theory

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    What do y’all think about the IT degree?? Might switch to that career next year

    Appreciate any good info yall can give me

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    What do y’all think about the IT degree?? Might switch to that career next year

    Appreciate any good info yall can give me

    I think it's great if you still wanna be involved with code but don't want to do too much math intensive stuff, which CS mostly lends itself too

    You'll find yourself doing more practical technical stuff as opposed to more theory stuff in a CS degree

    with an IT degree though you can branch out into several different fields

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    I think it's great if you still wanna be involved with code but don't want to do too much math intensive stuff, which CS mostly lends itself too

    You'll find yourself doing more practical technical stuff as opposed to more theory stuff in a CS degree

    with an IT degree though you can branch out into several different fields

    thanks man, that’s what I was thinking. I’m studying “Management of Business and Systems” but I realized the study plan is bullshit, they just copy pasted some cs subjects to the business study plan and made up a career. I realized I don’t really like the administration classes and I’ve been enjoying a lot my first programming class (Python). I will very probably switch to IT next year. I’ve also started a data a***ytics course online to start learning something in advance.

    Do you have any recommendations for me?

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    thanks man, that’s what I was thinking. I’m studying “Management of Business and Systems” but I realized the study plan is bullshit, they just copy pasted some cs subjects to the business study plan and made up a career. I realized I don’t really like the administration classes and I’ve been enjoying a lot my first programming class (Python). I will very probably switch to IT next year. I’ve also started a data a***ytics course online to start learning something in advance.

    Do you have any recommendations for me?

    If you're really enjoying the python I'd definitely recommend keeping up with the data a***ytics course and see how well you like it. You'll probably find it involves you with more math than what you'll do in your IT classes (it depends on your classes).

    But yeah if you don't mind the math/statistics stuff then you're well suited to keep working towards alot of a***yst roles in the future like data a***yst, computer systems a***yst, information security A***yst, maybe research scientist etc, and ofc you'll be set to still do alot of computer programming roles, or admin/consultant/support roles (more people oriented)

    There's so many great resources for learning python out there, you can easily get way ahead and spend some time figuring out what area of IT it is you want to really focus on, you can do web development with python, data stuff, etc, so much, best of luck :)

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    If you're really enjoying the python I'd definitely recommend keeping up with the data a***ytics course and see how well you like it. You'll probably find it involves you with more math than what you'll do in your IT classes (it depends on your classes).

    But yeah if you don't mind the math/statistics stuff then you're well suited to keep working towards alot of a***yst roles in the future like data a***yst, computer systems a***yst, information security A***yst, maybe research scientist etc, and ofc you'll be set to still do alot of computer programming roles, or admin/consultant/support roles (more people oriented)

    There's so many great resources for learning python out there, you can easily get way ahead and spend some time figuring out what area of IT it is you want to really focus on, you can do web development with python, data stuff, etc, so much, best of luck :)

    thanks a lot man

    great guy for real

    Yeah I’ve always been pretty good at math and I’m enjoying programming a lot so far (it’s just basic Python tho). I also find data a***ytics interesting but I don’t know if thats what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’m doing this curse mostly to be able to add it to my resume and hopefully get a job by the second half of next year. I do like IT but on the other hand I’m interested In the creative side of programming. I don’t know what to really choose rn lmao, but well at least I already know studying business isn’t for me.

    Thanks again

    Edit: Getting ahead with Python is a good idea too thanks

  • Sep 27, 2021
    RICKY 2320

    thanks a lot man

    great guy for real

    Yeah I’ve always been pretty good at math and I’m enjoying programming a lot so far (it’s just basic Python tho). I also find data a***ytics interesting but I don’t know if thats what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’m doing this curse mostly to be able to add it to my resume and hopefully get a job by the second half of next year. I do like IT but on the other hand I’m interested In the creative side of programming. I don’t know what to really choose rn lmao, but well at least I already know studying business isn’t for me.

    Thanks again

    Edit: Getting ahead with Python is a good idea too thanks

    just because you might do it starting out doesnt mean youll do it forever

  • Oct 1, 2021
    1 reply

    wow... im taking this intro to parallel computing on gpus course and it makes me want to drop out, this s*** is mad hard

  • Oct 1, 2021

    computational biology>>>

    biology is EASY like scary easy

    but the data science problems are not easy. if u like data science and programming youll find your future here easily

  • Oct 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Any1 else Matlab fam?

  • Oct 1, 2021

    The beauty of our jobs is we can do something that would take some hours in minutes

    The trick is convincing your employer that it took you hours to do it

  • Oct 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Any1 else Matlab fam?

    Julia gang

  • Oct 1, 2021

    Julia gang

    Ok u on that next level s*** I see u

  • Oct 1, 2021

    This s*** is crazy

  • Oct 1, 2021

    Binning data sounds easy

    In practice it's a f***ing mess

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

    just threw away the only good opportunity i've had in months by f***ing up my hackrrank coding interview stage

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

    just threw away the only good opportunity i've had in months by f***ing up my hackrrank coding interview stage

    You’ll have more opportunities

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

    You’ll have more opportunities

    Finished uni in May and had 0 interviews since about July

    This job was amazing and I did so good on the phone interview, but I F***ed up the hckerrank s*** so bad

    Didn’t even get to the two biggest questions at the end

  • Oct 5, 2021

    Finished uni in May and had 0 interviews since about July

    This job was amazing and I did so good on the phone interview, but I F***ed up the hckerrank s*** so bad

    Didn’t even get to the two biggest questions at the end

    Took me 7 months to get my first job out of college. Tbh while you’re applying all day just grind leetcode.

    Unless you apply for like companies that’s not exactly tech focused like govt jobs or contractors or banks you’re going to be doing leetcode from the phone interview to the in person rounds.

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Software Engineer probably top 3 hardest interviewing process. S*** will have you stressed, and in shambles.

  • Oct 9, 2021

    Software Engineer probably top 3 hardest interviewing process. S*** will have you stressed, and in shambles.

    i swear i’m growing greys at 23.
    oh well, up to ~170 now. prolly gonna start applying next month

  • Oct 12, 2021

    i think i don't want to be a dev for a living but i still want to work in the industry u guys know of paths i can take? i prefer my classes that are more theory based and where i'm at that's a good chunk of the classes i take. i find that type of work both more rewarding to solve and stimulating

    from what i know having talked to older people, i could be a pm or sales engineer. im sure there are more options

    maybe i could go to law school and do something at the intersection of both

    brief online searches only show results about patent law but i imagine that there are more opportunities than that considering how huge tech industry is now

  • Oct 13, 2021

    I got invited to a Black tech Google virtual event tomorrow and next week. They'll be talking about the hiring process for various roles, incluing the Software Engineer one I want. Just started reading Cracking the Coding Interview as well. Hopefully I get serious, so I can start using my degree before I completely lose my knowledge

  • Oct 13, 2021

    Any of all ever mess with PAPI? this s*** is kicking my ass

  • Oct 14, 2021
    1 reply

    started a data science/big data graduate certificate program in September

    really underestimated the amount of work you gotta put in to get better with software.

    legit spent 5.5 hours today working on SAS tomorrow I gotta do something similar with R
