  • Oct 14, 2021
    1 reply

    started a data science/big data graduate certificate program in September

    really underestimated the amount of work you gotta put in to get better with software.

    legit spent 5.5 hours today working on SAS tomorrow I gotta do something similar with R

    Which program?

  • Oct 17, 2021

    Is this the coding thread?


  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Been studying Java and webdev for a bit
    Anyone know what sorta things I can do in Java? I'm looking to get an intership next summer but I still don't know the major things you can do with it because coders are so elitist they won't tell you anything ever
    I also know some Python basics and I'm pretty versed in C++ but that's way too complex for me to even pursue a job in atm

  • Oct 17, 2021

    Been studying Java and webdev for a bit
    Anyone know what sorta things I can do in Java? I'm looking to get an intership next summer but I still don't know the major things you can do with it because coders are so elitist they won't tell you anything ever
    I also know some Python basics and I'm pretty versed in C++ but that's way too complex for me to even pursue a job in atm

    Make a simple rest api in Spring/Spring Boot

  • Nov 14, 2021
    1 reply

    This thread still active? Taking Intro to C++ rn.

  • Nov 14, 2021

    This thread still active? Taking Intro to C++ rn.

    LFG best of luck fam

  • Nov 15, 2021

    wow... im taking this intro to parallel computing on gpus course and it makes me want to drop out, this s*** is mad hard

    I took a parallel comp course and it was really difficult for no reason lol

    Don’t stress about it. You’ll get theu the semester and never have to look at that s*** again if you dont want to even if u do programming after

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    I am a novice at programming, C/S.

    My base line is some python and HMTL/CSS really basic things.

    I want to learn more about machine learning/AI and how to use it in a practical sense at work. Etc running contract through a program and getting all the useful stuff out of them like term, revenue etc.

    What is the most logical path for me to get there. I understand this will take years to be competent but I want to start and learn. Any tips?

    I think look into like tensorflow and PyTorch???? I think most ML jobs for python require experience w those from what I’ve briefly found

    The first step imo is to watch videos on the various algos on YouTube (just starting w the most dumbed down 5 minute ones then moving your way up to more detailed stuff)
    So like

    • random forest
    • KNN
    • svn
    • neural net

    I can send you notes from a class I took that kinda covered this stuff—it was a bioinformatics course so it’s from an applies ML pov rather than theoretical

    I also recommend the google ML bootcamp—it’s pretty easy to follow Here’s something I found that step by step applies various ML algos too using python
    What you specifically mentioned is not familiar to me, but I found that link googling “ML diabetes” lol so if you just search ML + whatever you’re trying to a***yze I’m sure something interesting will pop up

  • Nov 15, 2021

    😭😭😭 dang I don’t often check this thread

    Cant believe I missed that argument on page 33 LOL

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply
    i am sasuke

    I think look into like tensorflow and PyTorch???? I think most ML jobs for python require experience w those from what I’ve briefly found

    The first step imo is to watch videos on the various algos on YouTube (just starting w the most dumbed down 5 minute ones then moving your way up to more detailed stuff)
    So like

    • random forest
    • KNN
    • svn
    • neural net

    I can send you notes from a class I took that kinda covered this stuff—it was a bioinformatics course so it’s from an applies ML pov rather than theoretical

    I also recommend the google ML bootcamp—it’s pretty easy to follow Here’s something I found that step by step applies various ML algos too using python
    What you specifically mentioned is not familiar to me, but I found that link googling “ML diabetes” lol so if you just search ML + whatever you’re trying to a***yze I’m sure something interesting will pop up

    donda donda donda donda appreciate you family

  • Nov 15, 2021
    1 reply

    donda donda donda donda appreciate you family


    I can send u the notes but it won’t be till after thanksgiving lol since im on vacation and didn’t bring s*** w me but I’ll slide them then

    Nothing crazy but I did put a lot of effort into it LOL

  • Nov 15, 2021

    All i typed was software development internships and sorted by my area, should i search some other way?

    Im dumb, you’re right, i can intern anywhere as long as its remote

    Also a lot of swoftware internships are paid so you can probably apply to s*** beyond your geographic location and see what’s up

  • Nov 15, 2021
    i am sasuke


    I can send u the notes but it won’t be till after thanksgiving lol since im on vacation and didn’t bring s*** w me but I’ll slide them then

    Nothing crazy but I did put a lot of effort into it LOL

    No rush at all man, just enjoy the holidays! I appreciate it a lot

  • Nov 16, 2021

    Spent all day pressing play on scripts I made doing literally nothing while they run

    Life is good

    Or bad when they like wtf did u do all week

  • Nov 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm working on some image a***ysis s***

    Basically it takes 2-3 hours to process the images, then 3-4 hours to generate more images from the processed images, then 2-3 hours to go thru each image and classify it

    S*** is kinda wack cus they'll be like ok u did like 3 images that's cool but also why the f*** did u only do 3 images b**** ass nigga

    I'm like damn how much u think I like working f*** this

    Would be fine cus I got 7 hours of down time so ideally I'd spend those hours on my true passions but I only got one laptop charger rn

  • Nov 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm working on some image a***ysis s***

    Basically it takes 2-3 hours to process the images, then 3-4 hours to generate more images from the processed images, then 2-3 hours to go thru each image and classify it

    S*** is kinda wack cus they'll be like ok u did like 3 images that's cool but also why the f*** did u only do 3 images b**** ass nigga

    I'm like damn how much u think I like working f*** this

    Would be fine cus I got 7 hours of down time so ideally I'd spend those hours on my true passions but I only got one laptop charger rn

    You could also rent a server to run these on.

  • Nov 17, 2021
    Dankmustard Mobile

    You could also rent a server to run these on.

    Feel like that might b a bit much considering there's only like 30 total images (each requiring several hours to process etc), but I do have access to a server so that's a possibility

    In the short term I just need another laptop charger so I have something to do while I wait lol

  • Nov 17, 2021

    Switching to cs next semester I’m excited

  • Nov 17, 2021
    2 replies

    denied from microsoft and amazon
    didnt even pass recruiter looking through my portfolio

    still waiting on netflix tho i just finished interview w them
    honestly scared they're gonna ghost me its been 3 days since i interviewed with a team member

  • Nov 17, 2021

    i f***ing HATE interviewing so much good lord
    just a neccesarily evil
    i literally get anxiety for a week leading up to it

  • Nov 17, 2021
    1 reply

    denied from microsoft and amazon
    didnt even pass recruiter looking through my portfolio

    still waiting on netflix tho i just finished interview w them
    honestly scared they're gonna ghost me its been 3 days since i interviewed with a team member

    What does your portfolio consist of? Just wondering :)

  • Nov 17, 2021
    1 reply

    denied from microsoft and amazon
    didnt even pass recruiter looking through my portfolio

    still waiting on netflix tho i just finished interview w them
    honestly scared they're gonna ghost me its been 3 days since i interviewed with a team member

    What’s your YoE? Or new grad?

  • Nov 17, 2021
    1 reply

    What does your portfolio consist of? Just wondering :)

    well i'm a ux designer so perhaps it's disingenuous to post in here

    designers portfolios consist of case studies of problems i've solved, how i've solved them, and my final execution / deliverable i gave (usually a visual piece)

    completely different than what a programmers portfolio looks like

  • Nov 17, 2021
    1 reply

    What’s your YoE? Or new grad?

    netflix has internships for undergraduates (:
