  • Apr 1, 2023

    congrats man!! how many did it take?

    Probably applied to like 40, had an online technical interview in February but didn’t make it to the next round, then this one a few weeks ago, there was 2 rounds and I got an offer the day after the 2nd

  • Apr 1, 2023
    1 reply

    anyone in data engineering?

  • Apr 1, 2023
    1 reply

    anyone in data engineering?

    did a trainning on databases recently

  • Apr 2, 2023

    did a trainning on databases recently

    wondering what a realistic roadmap for this looks like.

    In consulting atm in the financial tech sector, do some work with integrating data already, but mostly just basic sql stuff, manipulating and loading into a staging area where i extract it from. I want to know what the next steps would be, what kind of tools data engineers use, what skills i can pick up / certs i can pick up to make that career switch

  • Apr 2, 2023
    1 reply

    got this opportunity to do unsupervised learning work, reviewing linear algebra, then i gotta learn abstract algebra, then i can start learning the actual optimization theory. Im tired of reading about these things and not knowing what a field or any of these abstract algebra terms mean

  • Apr 17, 2023
    2 replies

    got this opportunity to do unsupervised learning work, reviewing linear algebra, then i gotta learn abstract algebra, then i can start learning the actual optimization theory. Im tired of reading about these things and not knowing what a field or any of these abstract algebra terms mean

    Abstract algebra is fun tbh. Category theory and like computational complexity are pretty dope areas

    The way it all connects to computation at the core of all programming languages is so interesting to me. The computational systems at their core are soooo simple. But it’s underneath every single program. It feels like the like secret of the universe type s*** 😹

  • Apr 17, 2023
    1 reply

    Abstract algebra is fun tbh. Category theory and like computational complexity are pretty dope areas

    The way it all connects to computation at the core of all programming languages is so interesting to me. The computational systems at their core are soooo simple. But it’s underneath every single program. It feels like the like secret of the universe type s*** 😹

    word yea i havent gotten far enough to really learn how it can be applied, just learning about different random types of groups

    it seems like something where if you dont practice a lot youll forget most of it

  • Apr 17, 2023

    word yea i havent gotten far enough to really learn how it can be applied, just learning about different random types of groups

    it seems like something where if you dont practice a lot youll forget most of it

    ID say it takes hella practice to pick it up but once you do you can come back easyish. I went thru helll for an abstract algebra class and like blocked it out lol but when I ran into something for my work I was like oh yea

  • Apr 24, 2023
    2 replies

    potentially ruined my life by maybe failing uni again depending on this exam mark i’m waiting, just curious if it’s viable to actual still have a self-taught with no experience into a job or is that just copium from a long time ago and i should find just spend my time finding a different path into decent living. Not worried about the discipline to learn i lost all interests in everything i have and i just spent the last week pacing and worrying doing nothing.

    My plan was to learn a beginner language over the next few months to see if i even enjoy coding. I guess i just want to know if it’s a skill worth pursuing to learn

  • Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    potentially ruined my life by maybe failing uni again depending on this exam mark i’m waiting, just curious if it’s viable to actual still have a self-taught with no experience into a job or is that just copium from a long time ago and i should find just spend my time finding a different path into decent living. Not worried about the discipline to learn i lost all interests in everything i have and i just spent the last week pacing and worrying doing nothing.

    My plan was to learn a beginner language over the next few months to see if i even enjoy coding. I guess i just want to know if it’s a skill worth pursuing to learn

    Coding is extremely oversaturated

    If ur rly into coding it can still be tough to find jobs. I'd suggest maybe u should think about what u want out of life, I wouldn't recommend doing coding just to make money because it's very competitive

  • Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Coding is extremely oversaturated

    If ur rly into coding it can still be tough to find jobs. I'd suggest maybe u should think about what u want out of life, I wouldn't recommend doing coding just to make money because it's very competitive

    thanks for the honest answer guess i’ll just try it out for the next 2 weeks waiting for my exam mark back

  • Apr 24, 2023

    thanks for the honest answer guess i’ll just try it out for the next 2 weeks waiting for my exam mark back

    A lot of programming is just proving u are capable of doing it well regardless of language

    It is oversaturated but u can still find a job I might have exaggerated a little, but having like a degree would rly help along with experience

    But u should look for ANY opportunities to apply ur skills or learn more

  • Apr 30, 2023

    amazing explanation of a very interesting topic

    this stuff is extremely important in physics

  • Apr 30, 2023
    2 replies

    Abstract algebra is fun tbh. Category theory and like computational complexity are pretty dope areas

    The way it all connects to computation at the core of all programming languages is so interesting to me. The computational systems at their core are soooo simple. But it’s underneath every single program. It feels like the like secret of the universe type s*** 😹

    dammn - You have any resources/books recommendation for this? I've been lacking lately

  • Apr 30, 2023

    dammn - You have any resources/books recommendation for this? I've been lacking lately

    For abstract algebra, I used this book in a class:

    It was aight most of the class was just from lecture notes tho

    I like this book a lot better just in terms of being a fun read. Prob need some math maturity, but it does start from fundamentals like set theory so you could do it without any background

    This is the only category theory book I’ve ever looked at, dunno much abt that field

  • Apr 30, 2023

    dammn - You have any resources/books recommendation for this? I've been lacking lately

  • May 5, 2023

    currently attending this bootcamp and wow the projects they were asking us to create were lighting our asses up but wow so inspiring. im literally out here in hackerank doing the problems for fun.

  • May 5, 2023
    2 replies

    are any of yall hiring

  • May 6, 2023

    its weird to me how youll hear about some method to do something and it will have all this complex math an s***, but the implementation will seem really obvious and not complicated at all, like an EM algorithm might be pretty straight forward even tho the math is crazy

    saw this script that is supposed to be belief propagation in a graph, its basically greedy brute force matching lol not that advanced in application

  • May 9, 2023

    are any of yall hiring

  • May 10, 2023
    1 reply
  • May 10, 2023
    1 reply
    Alfredo Mobstah
    · edited

    Coding peeps, do FAANG got y'all stressed out like this??:

    I'm curious how they got to that point. Doesn't Google pay for therapy?

  • May 10, 2023

    I quit

    I'm a decent coder but I'm not tryna do this s*** forever

    Tbh I think I might wanna be a teacher for high school or middle school mayb

    When I graduate maybe I can become faculty somewhere at a university

  • May 10, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm curious how they got to that point. Doesn't Google pay for therapy?

    Them niggas work like 12 hour days with insane deadlines and objectives

    Silicon valley is a massive s***hole

  • May 23, 2023

    are any of yall hiring

    Yes what’s your background and do you live in the us

