Got an on-site interview with faang next week
Best of luck man! Hope it works out! Leetcode and use Interview Cake from now until then
Best of luck man! Hope it works out! Leetcode and use Interview Cake from now until then
Thanks! Yeah gonna try leetcode premium for sure. They caught me lacking though only have like 5 days to prepare I ain't touch one line of code in a month
Thanks! Yeah gonna try leetcode premium for sure. They caught me lacking though only have like 5 days to prepare I ain't touch one line of code in a month
how'd you get a faang interview without touching one line of code in a month
how'd you get a faang interview without touching one line of code in a month
I applied and completed the online assessment late November, didn't hear from them afterwards so I accepted another offer in mid december and been chilling since
I applied and completed the online assessment late November, didn't hear from them afterwards so I accepted another offer in mid december and been chilling since
ok word any tips? how poppin is that resume?
I applied and completed the online assessment late November, didn't hear from them afterwards so I accepted another offer in mid december and been chilling since
what personal projects do you have (if you don't mind me asking)?
ok word any tips? how poppin is that resume?
Read cracking the coding interview and try to go through Elements of Programming Interviews (i haven't been far in that one actually but it's really good). Also this list of the main leetcode problems is pretty useful :
And my resume is alright, nothing to fuss about honestly : masters with 2 internships so that's pretty standard where I'm from, although my last internship was in Asia so it stands out a little bit I guess
what personal projects do you have (if you don't mind me asking)?
I don't have s*** I just put a few of my classes projects on github (not sure if your school allows that)
I did worked on a really unique website through my school (outside of my classes) that I put on my resume as a project though
I've been stuck in tutorial hell lately.....
I've finally grasped some basic python concepts and have been trying to follow youtube videos of people building actual useful things but they're always too complicated for me.
I then end up watching more begginer friendly videos and realize I'm wasting time because they're spending too much time talking about basic s*** like while loops and if-else-statements .
I'm sick of feeling like I'm wasting time/making no progress and I'm about to just follow the curriculum for the Odin Project's full stack javascript route.
The goal is FAANG by 2022 ^_^
I've been stuck in tutorial hell lately.....
I've finally grasped some basic python concepts and have been trying to follow youtube videos of people building actual useful things but they're always too complicated for me.
I then end up watching more begginer friendly videos and realize I'm wasting time because they're spending too much time talking about basic s*** like while loops and if-else-statements .
I'm sick of feeling like I'm wasting time/making no progress and I'm about to just follow the curriculum for the Odin Project's full stack javascript route.
The goal is FAANG by 2022 ^_^
What do you want to make? Once you learn the basics, think about what you want to make. It can be a simple to do list to a full blown project.
The most important thing is that you do a project that you enjoy and want to work on for awhile.
Besides projects, make sure you do some Leetcode to pass the interviews for FAANG level companies
think we might make a leetcode study group at school lol
That's a smart idea. Can practice whiteboarding too
What do you want to make? Once you learn the basics, think about what you want to make. It can be a simple to do list to a full blown project.
The most important thing is that you do a project that you enjoy and want to work on for awhile.
Besides projects, make sure you do some Leetcode to pass the interviews for FAANG level companies
I don't really have any actual 'dream' projects that I want to build as of now. I tried to learn how to work with Django after feeling a bit confident in my python skills, but that s*** was hella complicated and I didn't understand anything.
I've decided it's best to just learn Javascript/Web-Dev from scratch because I don't truly understand fundamental concepts which hindered my abilitty to actually build anything.
I tried to jump into learning back-end development without really knowing what "server-side" programming really is, and was bamboozled lmao. I've decided it's best to just learn web-dev from scratch and focus on Javascript+Node.
I'm also aware of the leetcode grind needed for FAANG's.
Team-Blind got me hip.
Random, but would anyone be down for a daily review of algorithms/data structures? Idk how we would we do it, but just tossing it out there.
Maybe a leetcode sesh somehow on the weekends
I don't really have any actual 'dream' projects that I want to build as of now. I tried to learn how to work with Django after feeling a bit confident in my python skills, but that s*** was hella complicated and I didn't understand anything.
I've decided it's best to just learn Javascript/Web-Dev from scratch because I don't truly understand fundamental concepts which hindered my abilitty to actually build anything.
I tried to jump into learning back-end development without really knowing what "server-side" programming really is, and was bamboozled lmao. I've decided it's best to just learn web-dev from scratch and focus on Javascript+Node.
I'm also aware of the leetcode grind needed for FAANG's.
Team-Blind got me hip.
It’s because schools do a poor job at teaching these things.
Once you got the hang of it though it’s easy. And with a framework like Django it gets even easier.
I think the hardest part is just getting an overall grasp of how things work.
Failed my faang interview
Ngl i fumbled it hard I was expecting leetcode medium/hards meanwhile they only asked about fundamental s*** and I choked harder than the rockets in game 7 of the 2018 wcf
Failed my faang interview
Ngl i fumbled it hard I was expecting leetcode medium/hards meanwhile they only asked about fundamental s*** and I choked harder than the rockets in game 7 of the 2018 wcf
we not on reddit fam you can say which faang
got confirmed for a hedge fund swe internship today. first onsite first offer. always works that way with me for some reason lol, rejections from companies a couldn't care less about, accepted by who i want
hopefully this means faang full time next year
amazon whats your hedge fund
hedge funds have way less employees than fang, we not doing this
i did part 3 of amazon online assessment this morning too tho, how long did it take them to get back to you?
hedge funds have way less employees than fang, we not doing this
i did part 3 of amazon online assessment this morning too tho, how long did it take them to get back to you?
A month and a half
Failed my faang interview
Ngl i fumbled it hard I was expecting leetcode medium/hards meanwhile they only asked about fundamental s*** and I choked harder than the rockets in game 7 of the 2018 wcf
Hey man, don't get sad about it at all. I've failed a bunch of interviews. Now, you just have to reflect on what went wrong and how you can improve for next time.
To go over the fundamentals again, I would go through interviewcake and also HackerRank's youtube channel on data structures and algorithms