  • Dec 12, 2021

    Glad to see queens supporting other queens

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply
    D Dot

    yall really hate on anything related to women. You couldn’t have congratulated her for finishing college instead of dropping out?

    fam i'm not the one
    i'm a big time feminist
    i just think it was a waste of her time tbh

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1996 BRL
    · edited

    Edit: I hate this site.

    Edit: I'm actually seeing Megan next year though, I'm serious. I just think the degree has no use for her besides a 30 second talking point in her next Jimmy Fallon interview.

    She actually only does music for fun, the degree is what she wanted to get before she started with music

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply

    don't care unless s**

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply
    1996 BRL

    fam i'm not the one
    i'm a big time feminist
    i just think it was a waste of her time tbh

    Tim Duncan rejected the NBA draft early so he could finish his four year degree like he promised his mother who passed. It’s her business to do what she wants and if she’s rich enough to do something like buy damn near anything she wants, she also has the luxury of time and money to finish pursuing a degree she already started and was obviously interested in.

  • Dec 12, 2021

    how she gettin sleep

  • She’s so bad bro

  • ny bookers

    Thought she would’ve been on academic probation or something. Congrats to her tho

    Are you white?

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1996 BRL
    · edited

    Edit: I hate this site.

    Edit: I'm actually seeing Megan next year though, I'm serious. I just think the degree has no use for her besides a 30 second talking point in her next Jimmy Fallon interview.

    Maybe she wants to have it to educate herself and grow as a person not because of a job?

  • Dec 12, 2021

    Ima just give it to you direct instead of me throwing the s*** ☝️😎

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply
    1996 BRL
    · edited

    Edit: I hate this site.

    Edit: I'm actually seeing Megan next year though, I'm serious. I just think the degree has no use for her besides a 30 second talking point in her next Jimmy Fallon interview.

    u absolute f***ing dunce

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply

    u absolute f***ing dunce

    Chill out man

    Ye & Drake ended the beef, this is a time of peace for all.

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply
    1996 BRL
    · edited

    Edit: I hate this site.

    Edit: I'm actually seeing Megan next year though, I'm serious. I just think the degree has no use for her besides a 30 second talking point in her next Jimmy Fallon interview.

    I came in this thread to drink some haterade. First page already delivered

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply
    1996 BRL

    Chill out man

    Ye & Drake ended the beef, this is a time of peace for all.

    Think of that peace before you start typing some bullshit then
    Nothing ever wrong with wanting to get more educated

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Dec 12, 2021

    Think of that peace before you start typing some bullshit then
    Nothing ever wrong with wanting to get more educated

    She gone have that piece of paper on the wall & a smile then go back to music....

    Good News wasn't as good as Fever, might've been better if she wasn't multitasking

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply

    I came in this thread to drink some haterade. First page already delivered

    It ain't hate though fam
    I'm just saying it's unnecessary for her in her line of work

  • 1996 BRL

    It ain't hate though fam
    I'm just saying it's unnecessary for her in her line of work

    I agree but the moment I read your initial post, I knew ktt was going to s*** on you

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1996 BRL
    · edited

    Edit: I hate this site.

    Edit: I'm actually seeing Megan next year though, I'm serious. I just think the degree has no use for her besides a 30 second talking point in her next Jimmy Fallon interview.

    It's not just about using your degree. American education system has rotted us to think that we need a degree to be "useful" or "job-focused" otherwise it's useless.

    Maybe she really enjoyed Health Admin. Maybe she wanted to finish it to show that she achieved an academic standard. It ain't easy graduating, especially with more rigorous curriculums. Maybe she's the first in her family to get a degree. Maybe she just liked academia.

    If I had the chance/money, I would totally get a degree in a field I'm very interested in, totally different from my actual career. Because why not?

  • Dec 12, 2021
    Mmm Hmm

    I wish Drake played this or N2DEEP tbh

    Also race my mind

    Dammit DRAKE

    Fr, so much heat he could've played

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply
    1996 BRL
    · edited

    Edit: I hate this site.

    Edit: I'm actually seeing Megan next year though, I'm serious. I just think the degree has no use for her besides a 30 second talking point in her next Jimmy Fallon interview.

    ^ That ain't a slight against you, btw. I'm just explaining that a college education can be much more than just your career.

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Tim Duncan rejected the NBA draft early so he could finish his four year degree like he promised his mother who passed. It’s her business to do what she wants and if she’s rich enough to do something like buy damn near anything she wants, she also has the luxury of time and money to finish pursuing a degree she already started and was obviously interested in.

    Nah that's not why he did it
    God intervened & said 'let's let Michael get another three peat & let the Spurs tank one more time so David Robinson & Tim get to play together.'

    The ramifications of that decision
    If Tim Duncan gets drafted to another team because he declares earlier, he might play the first half of his career as a center as opposed to just the second half.. Tim Duncan might no longer be considered the best power forward of all time, instead he'd just be a top 5/6 Center

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Dec 12, 2021
    1 reply

    ^ That ain't a slight against you, btw. I'm just explaining that a college education can be much more than just your career.

    Nah I feel you

    All that you've said is completely valid, I'm just thinking isn't it still kinda wild that a degree is still important to someone so massive etc.
    & that we are all made to feel as though degrees are so essential.

    I have a degree that I don't use also, I ain't hating on degrees. Not sure why these other folks assaulting me like I hate Megan or something.

  • Dec 12, 2021
    1996 BRL
    · edited

    Edit: I hate this site.

    Edit: I'm actually seeing Megan next year though, I'm serious. I just think the degree has no use for her besides a 30 second talking point in her next Jimmy Fallon interview.

    If she fell off in music is the only time she’d ever need to use a degree. So wouldn’t it make sense to get a degree that would be useful for that?
