Me and my girlfriend are pretty much finished and I am in need of s***seeing that things started getting awkward with my now ex when we tried being intimate. I’ve narrowed it down to who I want to book, it’s this onlyfans girl/former p***star/stripper who also escorts.
I’ve only had experience with escorts once before and that was in college with my roommates but it was different since we had an orgy together. Anything I should consider before making this decision?
I remember when trolling held nuance, a fine art with subtlety and only just enough bait for bite. I remember.
get a grip greg
Obvious troll is obvious
I’m not trolling 24/7 f***ing Christ you c*** I’m just making a thread not everything is a joke
I’m not trolling 24/7 f***ing Christ you c*** I’m just making a thread not everything is a joke
Lord have mercy on whatever poor woman you stick your wretched p**** into
I’m not trolling 24/7 f***ing Christ you c*** I’m just making a thread not everything is a joke
Lord have mercy on whatever poor woman you stick your wretched p**** into
If you aren’t going to answer my question why are you even itt f*** off
You could spend that money on that escort , or you can spend that money to give yourself a killer haircut and some really nice clothes , and go find a woman worth spending money on who will support you financially and spiritually.
I’ve been there done that myself. it doesn’t help one bit.
As someone who’s seen over 50 escorts, I’d say it’s very important to carefully screen them and make sure to negotiate prices whenever it’s possible. Additionally, please be respectful of their boundaries and crossing them could constitute as sexual misconduct on your end, whether it’s intentional or not.
When it comes to meeting them, dress your best, keep your hygiene on point, and make them laugh whenever it’s possible, to minimize chances of being seen as a creep. Practice basic, friendly etiquettes and you should be good to go.
you get the p****
you might get robbed
she might tell everyone u pay for p****
it could be trash
you’ve reached rock bottom
you get the p****
you might get robbed
she might tell everyone u pay for p****
it could be trash
you’ve reached rock bottom
Sounds like someone who’s never had experience with an escort
pros: p****(?) but do you really wanna pay for that
cons: you had to pay someone to touch your d*** and knowing someone attractive is only with you for your money and pretending to have fun, STDs, potentially sketchy repercussions
You could spend that money on that escort , or you can spend that money to give yourself a killer haircut and some really nice clothes , and go find a woman worth spending money on who will support you financially and spiritually.
I’ve been there done that myself. it doesn’t help one bit.
I got a haircut last week and I dress pretty decently don’t care as much about fashion as when I was younger. You are tight about the last part tho I know it doesn’t help I just got out of a relationship and just need to satisfy my urges quickly and don’t feel like dealing with dating apps
how much would you pay?
1. I don’t think people talk like this outside of the internet
2. I’m not black
pros: p****(?) but do you really wanna pay for that
cons: you had to pay someone to touch your d*** and knowing someone attractive is only with you for your money and pretending to have fun, STDs, potentially sketchy repercussions
See post above
how much would you pay?
$1000 - 1 hour
$1500 - 1 hour 30 minutes
$5000 - Overnight