Don’t know if I can post her pics itt none of them are nudes I don’t wanna risk it tho
that site is so garbage, if you in Canada, always use Leolist
that site is so garbage, if you in Canada, always use Leolist
She has a Eros profile too both are legit from what I can tell, would you recommend I use Eros instead?
She has a Eros profile too both are legit from what I can tell, would you recommend I use Eros instead?
i dont what that is bro, but I feel like DMng her would be best ? also deposit is always a redflag to me.
i havent been on escort game for years tho, but LeoList verification was always legit.
You could spend that money on that escort , or you can spend that money to give yourself a killer haircut and some really nice clothes , and go find a woman worth spending money on who will support you financially and spiritually.
I’ve been there done that myself. it doesn’t help one bit.
Man shut it where the w****s at
you get the p****
you might get robbed
she might tell everyone u pay for p****
it could be trash
you’ve reached rock bottom
Why would she f*** up her bag like that