listen to every jay electronica song ever made and you will want to stay muslim
Title basically. In London there is a park called speakers corner where people debate religion. A a tall guy with a megaphone was shouting at a woman in a hijab and I stepped in because he was getting quite aggressive. She started talking to me about Islam I don’t know about much about religion but I thought if I converted I could take her out for a date so I told her I had thought about becoming a Muslim for a long time. She found an Arabic preacher who was also debating. He made me say some Arabic words which made me a Muslim. I’m not really sure if this counts as a real conversion or if it was just a ceremonial thing? I’m trying to Google it, but idk wtf I said lol. But after, they were all really happy and congratulating me, and in the excitement, I lost track of her.
The video of me saying this has 70k views on Youtube. I kind of want them to take it down because people from my school have found it but I also wonder if maybe she’ll see it and try and contact me. I keep commenting my Snapchat but I think the owner of the channel is deleting it.
If I stay Muslim, does that increase my chances of finding her? Or should I just go back and tell them I made a mistake?I’m black btw
Don’t convert unless you as an individual is ready to become a Muslim. If you are doing this only to get close to a girl, you already lost.
My friend George once converted to Latvian Orthodox to impress a woman and she put him in the friend zone when it was all over. Be safe out there.
listen to every jay electronica song ever made and you will want to stay muslim
I’m not a Muslim but Jay Elec music makes you appreciate life a little more every time you listen to it
Title basically. In London there is a park called speakers corner where people debate religion. A a tall guy with a megaphone was shouting at a woman in a hijab and I stepped in because he was getting quite aggressive. She started talking to me about Islam I don’t know about much about religion but I thought if I converted I could take her out for a date so I told her I had thought about becoming a Muslim for a long time. She found an Arabic preacher who was also debating. He made me say some Arabic words which made me a Muslim. I’m not really sure if this counts as a real conversion or if it was just a ceremonial thing? I’m trying to Google it, but idk wtf I said lol. But after, they were all really happy and congratulating me, and in the excitement, I lost track of her.
The video of me saying this has 70k views on Youtube. I kind of want them to take it down because people from my school have found it but I also wonder if maybe she’ll see it and try and contact me. I keep commenting my Snapchat but I think the owner of the channel is deleting it.
If I stay Muslim, does that increase my chances of finding her? Or should I just go back and tell them I made a mistake?I’m black btw
Why are you waiting for her to call when Allah calls you five times a day brother
I’m not a Muslim but Jay Elec music makes you appreciate life a little more every time you listen to it
yeah he changed my outlook as well