  • Aug 26, 2024

    Honestly Islam is a beautiful religion, if you don’t see yourself being married or being dedicated than do you I guess but why not stay Muslim and go and lock in with a fire Muslim shorty?

    Beautiful single muslim women everywhere and if she’s true to her religion she will treat you with respect and dignity, on average. Some fire Muslimahs out here family don’t sleep. Also, imo you have a better chance of meeting a Muslim woman who is going to treat you nice and deferential in a relationship than you are a secular woman because of the cultural differences. You could meet someone nice whose not religious but I feel like you’d just be opening yourself up to more f***ery because she’d likely be less focused on getting to know you or make you happy than she is focused on her own individual pursuits if she’s not religious because theres more of an individual focus in secular society.

  • Keep your head up @op. This is a good way to find a good woman, but make sure you find out what she looks like for real before you lock in if she wears a hijab