I get where you're coming from though. For some people he definitely has some stuff where it comes off as generic and boring.
I think mainly for me I just support the guy now because I remember growing up to him, I went to a concert of his in like 2010... something like that? where the bar had like 20 people in it. Compare that to now he sold out stadiums
I do get what you're saying though good enough criticisms.
I feel that, definitely have that nostalgia and support for dudes who weren’t always as big as they are. I definitely can’t hate on that mentality cause I’d be a hypocrite
Exactly, people tried to paint Russ as a "villain" for the longest time when he's genuinely a good ass guy.
idk bout all that. He should run them ones rather than jumping niggas with his bodyguards. Also stop blaming addicts for d*** addiction. He's also very egotistical and not in a fun kanye type of way. i can definitely see why people don't like him
y’all want Rocky to be corny so bad😂😂
It’s so damn weird before this thread I never in my life seen somebody say “Rocky corny”
Oh yeah probably lol,
It was just funny as hell is all
She also used to lie about her age
hi goo that spotify bot thing just called my spotify "manic pixie dream girl bad" and I'm trying to figure that out
holy s*** it’s rappers like rich brian, Kyle, logic, etc and op chose those artists
lil yachty too i guess
hi goo that spotify bot thing just called my spotify "manic pixie dream girl bad" and I'm trying to figure that out
I think they said you're a beautiful soul
holy s*** it’s rappers like rich brian, Kyle, logic, etc and op chose those artists
rich brian