he does this to keep the narrative that he was born on the same say that Pac died
What a buffoon
idk bout all that. He should run them ones rather than jumping niggas with his bodyguards. Also stop blaming addicts for d*** addiction. He's also very egotistical and not in a fun kanye type of way. i can definitely see why people don't like him
Kanye is def not fun to any normal person that has no attachmet to his music
Due to trauma
Nice picture I think
True but I also like my current one, it's colorful
lasted 40 seconds
James Bond, marathon, N64
Played till our eyes hurt then we wrapped the cords
Tech Decks, Yoyos, cap guns, Pop Rocks
Moon Shoes, Devil Sticks, Yak Baks, hopscotch
Spice Girls, Aqua, Off Spring, and Green Day
Columbia House, CDs, and Ebay
Also being bisexual for attention is usually something you realize you were doing after the fact, especially when trauma is involved
i forgot about how hard this song was holy
2016-7 88rising was funny asf
Kanye is def not fun to any normal person that has no attachmet to his music
I'm obviously talking about hiphop fans. And hiphop fans for the most part love Kanye. Of course the majority of the world hates him lol
Have y'all ever met a tom McDonald fan in real life
does he tour? I thought he was just like meme artist. I didn't know he was serious
F*** u for linking this but its my fault that i watched it
I'm obviously talking about hiphop fans. And hiphop fans for the most part love Kanye. Of course the majority of the world hates him lol
Yeah but we love his music
If we loved Russ music as much it would be a diff story IMO
2016-7 88rising was funny asf
this song from them is a banger
this song from them is a banger
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPSoNx1gyQ4hate to admit i know all the lyrics
True but I also like my current one, it's colorful
I think they are both nice, I was going to change mine to 1 of these