  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    I think they are both nice, I was going to change mine to 1 of these

    Maybe the 2nd one

    In the 1st one she looks like something made her cringe

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Maybe the 2nd one

    In the 1st one she looks like something made her cringe

    yeah but I think it's funny

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    does he tour? I thought he was just like meme artist. I didn't know he was serious

    There has to be fans bro cus if u look at the YouTube comments mfs really listen to this dude

  • Jun 29, 2021

    Yeah but we love his music

    If we loved Russ music as much it would be a diff story IMO

    nah people find kanye's personality entertaining. No way an artist can come back from everything kanye has from just making good music. I'm sure even if his music was trash he would still be memed. He's like that crazy uncle at the barbecue that u cant help but be entertained by lol

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    yeah but I think it's funny

    True it's cool if that's what you're going for

  • Jun 29, 2021

    True it's cool if that's what you're going for

    I will also use the 2nd one someday

  • Kr0niic

    This white boy spitting his lil heart out

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    how is the game not on first page

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    how is the game not on first page

    the game

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    rich brian

    remember this

  • Jun 29, 2021
    2 replies
    The Pause Police

    There has to be fans bro cus if u look at the YouTube comments mfs really listen to this dude

    i found this vid from one of his shows lmfao. Looks like he got the neckbeards on lock

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    bruh got a song with carti? how i never heard this

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    remember this

    wow they really were pushing him hard at one point💀💀 it actually seemed like 88 was gone be popping

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    bruh got a song with carti? how i never heard this

    he was making moves back in the day fr

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    idk about the "lied about being bisexual" part of that post


    That one relies on if you take Nicki minaj srs as a person or not

    Btw, that's an issue that was raised by other lgbtq members who felt like popstars use bisexuality as a way to be different and it deligitimized their plight (bisexuals apperently struggle with being accepted as a real sexual orientation)

    Even people defending it itt are relying on the "sexuality is a spectrum so she can feel that way one day and the next not"

    Which is true, if you believe her to be sincere than there's no issue here :I don't, not because she's Nicki minaj but because

    • she's a celeb : I to tend not trust them/give them the benefit of the doubt

    • we're talking about a person who claimed to have 19 (iirc) alter egos. everything in her early career screams I need to be seen like lady gaga but less srs maybe idk (this is just my opinion I do think that of one believe she truly identified as a bisexual, then there's nothing wrong it)

    To me her coming out felt more like a "look at me I'm freaky like that" move but the again that's just how I read it.

    And yes I'm aware that some bisexual people have never been in a relationship with the same gender, she however was claiming that title whilst keeping a loch term relationship with a man from the public and has never been seen showing interested in dating a woman (afaik)

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    That one relies on if you take Nicki minaj srs as a person or not

    Btw, that's an issue that was raised by other lgbtq members who felt like popstars use bisexuality as a way to be different and it deligitimized their plight (bisexuals apperently struggle with being accepted as a real sexual orientation)

    Even people defending it itt are relying on the "sexuality is a spectrum so she can feel that way one day and the next not"

    Which is true, if you believe her to be sincere than there's no issue here :I don't, not because she's Nicki minaj but because

    • she's a celeb : I to tend not trust them/give them the benefit of the doubt

    • we're talking about a person who claimed to have 19 (iirc) alter egos. everything in her early career screams I need to be seen like lady gaga but less srs maybe idk (this is just my opinion I do think that of one believe she truly identified as a bisexual, then there's nothing wrong it)

    To me her coming out felt more like a "look at me I'm freaky like that" move but the again that's just how I read it.

    And yes I'm aware that some bisexual people have never been in a relationship with the same gender, she however was claiming that title whilst keeping a loch term relationship with a man from the public and has never been seen showing interested in dating a woman (afaik)

    I like you but I'm not reading all this I hope you have a good day DonutHole

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    wow they really were pushing him hard at one point💀💀 it actually seemed like 88 was gone be popping

    they did a crazy job with joji from here though 💀

  • Jun 29, 2021

    Seen Green is one of the best songs this year

    True, but that doesn't change the fact that she's corny

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Out at Juicy J disrespect

    listen to Mike Will Madeit - 23(or actually don't) and you will see why Juicy J is generic

  • Jun 29, 2021

    they did a crazy job with joji from here though 💀


    can’t believe there was a time where s*** like this was popping, soundcloud era a classic but looking back at it s*** was cringe

  • Jun 29, 2021

    the game

    i thought title said corny
    but still

  • Jun 29, 2021

    Shes not this is just a artists I dont like thread

    lol no, i don't hate either of those artist, i just find them generic. Most of them are on the Fast & Furious soundtracks and that explains everything

  • Jun 29, 2021

    anyone remember all those remixes on Youtube with Eminem and 2Pac? And the video is from a Fast & Furious movie or something like that. That's the epitome of generic and corny to me

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    bro said juicy j


    why everyone comes at me for saying Juicy J? This dude has been on a multiple generic songs, most of them about twerking and all that kinda s***

  • Jun 29, 2021

    he was making moves back in the day fr

    ong he had that hard ass X feature too. Too bad bro fell off but he still went crazy for the mf that made dat stick lmfao