just stay away from drinking Coronas bro you’ll be fine
Modelo better anyway
A lot of times it's propaganda to hide something even more major than the thing they are reporting on
Don't get me wrong, not saying it ain't COMPLETELY real but be on the lookout for something out of topic but major happening after this whole fiasco
A lot of times it's propaganda to hide something even more major than the thing they are reporting on
Don't get me wrong, not saying it ain't COMPLETELY real but be on the lookout for something out of topic but major happening after this whole fiasco
Lmaoo of course this trending, nothing happened for WW3 so twitter got to over exaggerate over aBother thing
not only is this WAY worse than SARS, but... it's touched down in the US Washington West coast first victim...
Lmaoo of course this trending, nothing happened for WW3 so twitter got to over exaggerate over aBother thing
Except this is very real and u or a loved can come in contact w this
thats what china gets for putting muslims in concentration camps.
⚠️ Sixty 5 was suspended for this post
thats what china gets for putting muslims in concentration camps.
⚠️ Sixty 5 was suspended for this post
Idk I feel like s*** rn n I go to a school that's like 50% asian
My boy said he was sick this weekend
Thank you. History has nothing to do with the fact that we can catch an 12 hour flight and travel across the world. That’s something that’s relevant to modern times. That’s why it’s a bigger deal than it was in the past.
history has everything to do with it...
pretty sure though this is just nature trying to get rid of some of us..