  • Mar 30, 2023
    2 replies

    Really? A white man trying to tell a black man that he’s eugenic. Know your place and stfu

    How am I supposed to know you’re black all I saw was a guy saying half the worlds problems would be solved if we did eugenics

  • Mar 30, 2023

    You talking about schooling I’m talking about the kids behavior….

    For example AR-AB said in an interview that his parents were strict + religious and he wasn’t broke or in need of anything.

    He knew this as a child and still grew up to be one of the most wild/egregious self snitches ever.

    And Why would these parents enroll their kids into a school for troubled youth if they think the TEACHERS are the problem?

    Didnt AR-AB grow up in some f***ed up part of philly during the 90s
    Only so much a parent can do tbh

  • Mar 30, 2023

    How am I supposed to know you’re black all I saw was a guy saying half the worlds problems would be solved if we did eugenics

    People just love to argue, your post proves it. Almost over nothing too.

  • Mar 30, 2023
    1 reply

    How am I supposed to know you’re black all I saw was a guy saying half the worlds problems would be solved if we did eugenics

    Some people should not have kids because they're not fit to be parents or should at minimum wait to have kids until they can properly take care of them. What in tf does that have to do with Eugenics? That's common sense. A good portion of mental health issues literally derive from bad parenting. Like get real, y'all act like life is a movie. Yes, most mfs in the hood shouldn't have had kids or should've had kids at a later age. I'll stand on that.

  • Mar 30, 2023

    Some people should not have kids because they're not fit to be parents or should at minimum wait to have kids until they can properly take care of them. What in tf does that have to do with Eugenics? That's common sense. A good portion of mental health issues literally derive from bad parenting. Like get real, y'all act like life is a movie. Yes, most mfs in the hood shouldn't have had kids or should've had kids at a later age. I'll stand on that.

    Most people shouldn't be parents, that's about as far as I will agree with you on. Leave everything else out.

  • Mar 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Bro, yes they do. My mom’s been a teacher in these types of environments for most of my life and I’ve helped in the classroom for multiple teachers. You need to get real, these kids aren’t dumb. They know exactly who to test.

    lmao word that’s why substitutes are usually miserable the kids know they can do about anything w them

  • Mar 30, 2023
    1 reply

    I will never forget being in middle school and hearing my math teacher get angry and say

    "You wanna know why majority of black people can't do simple math? Because they don't pay attention in class."

    The students were so careless they laughed and were happy at his anger. Although he did try to help the students who asked for help.

  • Mar 31, 2023

    lmao word that’s why substitutes are usually miserable the kids know they can do about anything w them

    Exactly🤝🤝. Someone spitting the real. Kids have these teachers crying and people are acting like “they’re just kids, they don’t know better”. They definitely do know better

  • Mar 31, 2023

    yeah kids can know something is wrong in the sense of "we do this, we suffer a consequence"

    but that doesn't mean they understand it in terms of "i do this, now this person feels bad and thats not ok"

  • Mar 31, 2023

    and that is a lot more important than the first one.

    idk tho at this point im over people who arent teachers commenting on s***

  • thankful that my experience as a teacher has been relatively "chill" altho not without its challenges

  • Noir

    Bruh I was holding tears back watching this. Not for the teacher/TA, but for the kid. They're going through their own personal hell and you can very easily see it.

    The adults in this situation did really well. They weren't condescending or disrespectful to the kid, they made sure to make it clear that not everything was about them and tried to bring things back to the board for those in the room who did want to learn without getting pushed around.

    I work with plenty kids who don't give a s*** about what we expect them to do and try to be the center of attention. Because we aren't a typical public school, we aren't obligated to keep them around, so typically they don't last very long in the program. But we do try our best with them and it can take weeks to months of attempting different strategies before that point is reached.

    The #1 thing I try to do when new kids walk through the door is to make it clear that I respect them and their goals, whatever they may be. I've had ex cons, ex dealers (as young as 16), plenty gang affiliation, but no one in my classroom is judged for where they're at in life and I've never found that I run into issues longterm. The kid usually figures out quickly that I'm looking out for them and we develop an understanding. You can just see in my eyes that I give a s*** about them.

    What you saw in that classroom is the effect of the massive chasm between what's happening in a kid's life and the learning they're expected to be a part of. This school probably doesn't have the funds to close that gap with specialized programs, so everyone suffers. Unfortunately, many young teachers have to start out in settings like this and don't make it in the field. My situation is more favorable and, no, I wouldn't want to stay in one this difficult for very long, even though I have the training and temperament for it. This sucks for everyone involved.

    apathetic students are heartbreaking

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Wasn't this a part of a longer series on YT?

    If not, there were a bunch of videos about helping get troubled youth back on track.

    S*** made me so happy.

  • Mar 31, 2023
    2 replies

    EDIT: to the folks that act like the kids don’t know better, I don’t think y’all realize how dangerous it is to teach in the hood sometimes. Had a kid point a BB gun that looked like a real gun at a teacher because he suspended him. This type of stuff is normal and was no where in the news. Those little kids are terrible

    you can be a hologram teacher soon with no backtalk or altercation . those kids in for a surprise if they disrespect the holo. hit ‘em with the electro floor shock and then the edubots 🤖 gonna show em higher education through a window

    my class would be different better send me a 🍎 using a drone to my home. 😒

  • Mar 31, 2023

    I will never forget being in middle school and hearing my math teacher get angry and say

    "You wanna know why majority of black people can't do simple math? Because they don't pay attention in class."

    The students were so careless they laughed and were happy at his anger. Although he did try to help the students who asked for help.

    Y’all should’ve had that teacher lying on the floor barely breathing

  • Mar 31, 2023

    It’s sad because the way he says “shut the f*** up” sounds like he got it from his parents saying it to him.

    I respect the teachers patience and ability to speak calmly in this situation.

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    How do we begin to correct these behaviors

    Funding public schools and public school teachers

  • Mar 31, 2023

    that man should not be allowed near a school

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Fuuuck no

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Poor kid tho

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Mannnnn you could see he how much pain and anger is in that kid. It’s so many kids in our school system just like this.

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Thats sad man. Respect to those educators who choose to be there knowing what their mission is. Those guys are more important than they probably know.

  • 6isco 🦈
    Mar 31, 2023

    honestly, f*** them kids hopes and dreams

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Teachers gets good salary in my country, way more then nurses and daycare/social workers

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Funding public schools and public school teachers

    That's only half the battle.