Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower
Alient Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
Disturbed - Sound of Silence
fire picks OP! I'd also note just how great this thread is but that'd be redundant; it's like saying Antidote made another life-affirming post. like duh!!
That Sound of Silence cover is one of the worst covers ever btw and goes against the entire spirit and purpose of the original
I wouldn’t say this is better than the original but I’ve literally never heard anybody pull off an r&b version of a grunge song so perfectly, much less a song as dissonant as Heart Shaped Box
Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY&pp=ygUYYWxsIGFsb25nIHRoZSB3YXRjaHRvd2VyAlient Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl9ZMfj6aE&pp=ygUeYWxpZW4gYW50IGZhcm0gc21vb3RoIGNyaW1pbmFsDisturbed - Sound of Silence
That Sound of Silence cover is one of the worst covers ever btw and goes against the entire spirit and purpose of the original
An underrated cover of that song imo
!https://youtu.be/8AHCfZTRGiI?si=cbKskAY20cktseXbTrent Reznor performs the Cash version at live shows, and has openly said it’s his song now
I wouldn’t say this is better than the original but I’ve literally never heard anybody pull off an r&b version of a grunge song so perfectly, much less a song as dissonant as Heart Shaped Box
!https://youtu.be/KD5j4h1SVDE?si=m9XUQXIVt192tuNyHollup, why does this kinda work tho
In Utero my favorite Nirvana album too
Hollup, why does this kinda work tho
In Utero my favorite Nirvana album too