  • Updated Oct 25, 2020

    Caught covid from batshit eu policies making me attend university lectures in person (with 0 distancing, mask control). I just got out of emergency from oxygen smfh
    (been had my symptoms since 2 weeks)

    been had my mask on since early this year but s*** aint protect my ass

    Edit: Pre catching this virus i was perfectly healthy with no pre existing condition. Never smoked and had decent cardio health too

    Day 15 edit: Thanks kings for all kinds words

    woke up feeling decent finally. Taste bud and ability to smell seems to be back 50-60% and fever, strong asf chest pain/burn, chills seems to be gone

    only got little cough going on still hopefully s*** dosen't go bad again

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    So did you test positive

    Edit: hope u okay OP

  • Oct 23, 2020
    2 replies

    So did you test positive

    Edit: hope u okay OP

    Yeah i got tested asap after symptoms and caught positive. But this s*** rlly f***s with the lungs, been constantly out of breath

  • Oct 23, 2020

    get well soon bro

  • Oct 23, 2020


  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Stay strong OP. Wishing you the best.

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I got tested on Wednesday still waiting on my results but so far I’ve only had fever, headache, sore throat (I can’t eat anything without discomfort) and body aches

    And my lungs hurt when I breathe in deeply

  • Oct 23, 2020
    no color

    Stay strong OP. Wishing you the best.

  • Oct 23, 2020
    4 replies

    Are you fit? Do you exercise?

    S*** is scary tbh

    But orange man tells us not to worry, it’s nothing serious

  • Oct 23, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    Yeah i got tested asap after symptoms and caught positive. But this s*** rlly f***s with the lungs, been constantly out of breath

    I hope you notified your uni and hopefully they take the proper procedure in getting that s*** contained by shutting that s*** down.

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Are you fit? Do you exercise?

    S*** is scary tbh

    But orange man tells us not to worry, it’s nothing serious

    It’s a joke for him because he gets the proper medical care and his care is prioritized, I don’t think some people get that in their heads.

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Stay away from 5G masts, stay safe y'all

  • Oct 23, 2020

    mr reigns

  • you got this op

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Glad you're still with us though OP

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Get well soon 🙏

  • Oct 23, 2020

    damn stay safe and rest good akhi

  • Oct 23, 2020
    2 replies

    Surgical masks only stop you from spreading s*** not protect you

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Surgical masks only stop you from spreading s*** not protect you

    See im all for the mask but if everyone else is wearing it why is it a issue

  • Oct 23, 2020

    See im all for the mask but if everyone else is wearing it why is it a issue

    That why important to enforce that everyone wears it in public, its only as good as its weakest link

  • Man f*** those dumbass policies

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Tribal Chief
    · edited

    Caught covid from batshit eu policies making me attend university lectures in person (with 0 distancing, mask control). I just got out of emergency from oxygen smfh
    (been had my symptoms since 2 weeks)

    been had my mask on since early this year but s*** aint protect my ass

    Edit: Pre catching this virus i was perfectly healthy with no pre existing condition. Never smoked and had decent cardio health too

    Day 15 edit: Thanks kings for all kinds words

    woke up feeling decent finally. Taste bud and ability to smell seems to be back 50-60% and fever, strong asf chest pain/burn, chills seems to be gone

    only got little cough going on still hopefully s*** dosen't go bad again

    Keep ya head up King, bad times pass just like good times 🤝🤝

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Sending you a speedy recovery OP 👏🏻

  • Oct 23, 2020
    3 replies

    its wild how its diff for everyone i caught that s*** but the worst i had was chills, headaches and loss of smell and taste for like 5 days then i was fine