  • Oct 23, 2020

    My uncle died from it back in April. My friend has it right now and says it is NO FUN. Keep us updated op

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Yeah, masks are for sick dummies and asymptomatics who run around. Can't save you unless it's a respirator properly fitted.

    That sucks man. They should really regulate that stuff. The markets really just demand people die at their expense though. Ironic name/avatar.

  • batshit

  • Damn b. Hope you recover

  • 0 👀
    Oct 23, 2020

    I got tested and my results came in yesterday, negative. I haven't had any symptoms besides some tiredness and achiness over the weekend but even that's been gone now

    My aunt has it kind of bad, it really sucks to hear her coughing and s***. And here I am in the same house and probably already somehow immune after a couple days wtf. F*** this virus. Next step is to find myself an antibody test to confirm it

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Praying for a speedy recovery for you bro

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    tested positive last month it kicked my ass too. difficult to breathe and felt weak for almost 3 weeks.

    take this as a warning please wear a mask and avoid crowds

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Get well bhai

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Are you fit? Do you exercise?

    S*** is scary tbh

    But orange man tells us not to worry, it’s nothing serious

    Yeah i don’t have any issues and i did went to gym regularly precovid

  • Oct 23, 2020

    I got tested on Wednesday still waiting on my results but so far I’ve only had fever, headache, sore throat (I can’t eat anything without discomfort) and body aches

    And my lungs hurt when I breathe in deeply

    I initially had only had fever which is gone. This chest pain came wednesday and yesterday got way worse

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Surgical masks only stop you from spreading s*** not protect you

    Everyone talks about wearing mask but all those idiots be wearing mask under nose or at chin during mandatory 200+ people lectures they put in

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Keep ya head up King, bad times pass just like good times 🤝🤝

    Hopefully s*** works out

  • Oct 23, 2020

    Get well bhai

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply


  • Oct 23, 2020

    tested positive last month it kicked my ass too. difficult to breathe and felt weak for almost 3 weeks.

    take this as a warning please wear a mask and avoid crowds

    Bruh this s*** sucks. I been avoiding crowds and on mask wave since march

    This f***ing dumbasses opened uni with 0 safety protocols

    I always had my masks on and wiped all my pens/ laptop with disinfectant tissues but I guess in a room full of mfs wearing masks under nose or on chin it was useless

  • Oct 23, 2020


  • Oct 23, 2020

    Get well soon OP.
    Even this I’m fit as hell I would hate it if I caught it. Would f*** up my entire workout routine. Wear your masks people

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I don’t know how I haven’t died yet working at a grocery store. My grandma got diagnosed with the flu in February, but antibiotics didn’t help her and she was bedridden for about two weeks. I got sick shortly after she did, but it only lasted for a few days and was the mildest flu I’ve ever experienced. I was more exhausted and weak than anything else. Sometimes I wonder if it was COVID but that’s probably wishful thinking.

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I don’t know how I haven’t died yet working at a grocery store. My grandma got diagnosed with the flu in February, but antibiotics didn’t help her and she was bedridden for about two weeks. I got sick shortly after she did, but it only lasted for a few days and was the mildest flu I’ve ever experienced. I was more exhausted and weak than anything else. Sometimes I wonder if it was COVID but that’s probably wishful thinking.

    Glad you doing good rn fam. This s*** f***ing sucks

  • Oct 23, 2020
    Tribal Chief

    Glad you doing good rn fam. This s*** f***ing sucks

    It has me so paranoid that I have nightmares about giving it to my grandma. I need the money though.

  • Damn bro . I'm glad you're pulling up better now my man <3

  • Oct 23, 2020

    all classes would be virtual if it was up to me, the virus spreads like crazy at schools

  • Oct 23, 2020

    its wild how its diff for everyone i caught that s*** but the worst i had was chills, headaches and loss of smell and taste for like 5 days then i was fine


    i know of two people who got it, one needs to get oxygen the other is barely affected by it s*** literally a gamble

  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 23, 2020
    2 replies

    Are you fit? Do you exercise?

    S*** is scary tbh

    But orange man tells us not to worry, it’s nothing serious

    A friend's mom is 600lbs and she survived