He’s also modeled after Elliott Gould.
Spike isn’t Asian. Asian people are portrayed realistically in the anime. Just look at the bosses of the Syndicate:
Spike could fit in with them too tbh
But it's not that far fetched for him to be Asian, you can also make the case for him being Jewish too
They gonna ruin a top 5 classic man
I'm gonna peep though
I just can't get into dude playing Spike man
It looks cheesy as hell. It's kinda charming in a weird way. It does look pretty bad, but it's something about it that still draws me in.
Y’all tripping this looks way better than I anticipated
Ngl I feel the same way lmao I think that OP is dope, some folks already got their mind made up though
Looks like s***. You know like those cheap Adult Swim comedy shows which aren’t really funny. I’m pretty sure a p*** parody would look more accurate.
Looks pretty trash. Bebop's aesthetic is pretty grounded in reality so competent staff with a proper budget could have have made something pretty good, but this just way too amateur.
Hopefully the West's desperate grab at whatever Japanese IPs they think will have mass appeal keeps ending in failure. The anime community is already terrible, I'm not looking forward to what it will look like if it becomes even more mainstream.
Someone in a discord I’m in said a young David duchovny would make a good spike and I can see it tbh
Bruh this looks fanmade
Every live action will have this feel imo. They just aren’t a good idea.
Trailer raised my expectations tbh. Definitely more optimistic than I have been after seeing that. Will probably still suck tho
This just proves anime/manga dont go well with live action, it just isnt a good match unless maybe you have Marvel level budget. The only manga im curious to see as a live action would be Monster, only cause its one of the few really popular manga 100% grounded in reality
Looks pretty trash. Bebop's aesthetic is pretty grounded in reality so competent staff with a proper budget could have have made something pretty good, but this just way too amateur.
Hopefully the West's desperate grab at whatever Japanese IPs they think will have mass appeal keeps ending in failure. The anime community is already terrible, I'm not looking forward to what it will look like if it becomes even more mainstream.
Exactly. This just looks amateurish as hell. Like, look at Jet's intro shot and tell me that doesn't look like some makeup artist's youtube video
Netflix def needed to splurge on this one. I'm still intrigued, and will def be checking it out - but so far I'm unimpressed.