  • Remember when we did this s*** for The Interview

    What a great movie

  • Feb 9
    1 reply
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    They basically wanted to get paid cost of the movie and what it could make if it were successful (so double its budget)

    So the alternative is take the tax write off instead of allowing offers from other studios or negotiating with them for more than what they would get from a write off? Maybe I'm misunderstanding but tf going on at WB?

  • so much pain

    Deleting a movie you've never even watched is crazy

  • mosh

    So the alternative is take the tax write off instead of allowing offers from other studios or negotiating with them for more than what they would get from a write off? Maybe I'm misunderstanding but tf going on at WB?

    Yeah, I’d assume the tax write off would only cover cost of what it was made for. With negotiations they could’ve at least made some profit not double the cost but some.

    Honestly think they decided they rather shelf it than risk it becoming a hit for another studio lol

  • People online who always have to go against the grain are now defending the move saying it’s the right business decision

    So what if the movie flopped? It was already completed. Either put it on streaming or sell it. They got offers and Paramount even planned a theater release for it

    They apparently only get about $30M from the tax write off yet wouldn’t negotiate for anything less than $75M. It’s clear they were never planning to sell it and only said they’d try after being afraid of the backlash last year when they originally announced they’d dump it

  • Feb 9
    1 reply

    yo thats wild wb makes james gunn head of dc studios then they erase a movie he wrote out of existence

  • Feb 9

    Someone is gonna shoot that man if he keeps doing this

  • Dude is a f***in idiot

  • Swear to god if any of these studios try shelving my movie, I’m going to the office with a bat like Cube in straight outta Compton

  • JUNE27

    yo thats wild wb makes james gunn head of dc studios then they erase a movie he wrote out of existence

    if he was real, Gunn would drop out of the DCEU. im sure DZ would enjoy shelving all of those capeshit projects on the horizon

  • You’ll pay for this, Zaslav

  • Feb 18
    1 reply
  • Antidote

    real one
    he truly deserve to voice the looney tunes

  • So what us this, just foolish pride/not wanting to look stupid if the movie ends up being beloved? Cuz shelving the movie instead of selling it for additional profit makes zero fiscal sense. At least with Batgirl they had the "tax write off" excuse

  • Feb 18
    3 replies

    We live in a world where Madame Web was released and Coyote vs Acme will probably sit in a digital vault somewhere forever smh

  • TheManBreeze

    We live in a world where Madame Web was released and Coyote vs Acme will probably sit in a digital vault somewhere forever smh

    We really lost

  • TheManBreeze

    We live in a world where Madame Web was released and Coyote vs Acme will probably sit in a digital vault somewhere forever smh

    Let’s break in the vault bro

  • Feb 24
    1 reply
  • The same words I told my ex…

  • TheManBreeze

    We live in a world where Madame Web was released and Coyote vs Acme will probably sit in a digital vault somewhere forever smh

    True cinema is dead

  • Antidote

    this is such a gross manipulation of the system it makes me sick

  • Feb 24
    3 replies