Also I think there are more moments when it's the game's fault you die and not the player's fault
I dunno if yall experience this, but sometimes when I jump in the air, it seems like Crash hits an invisible wall or something, and just falls down
Deaths that are caused by the game are the most annoying fr.
I can’t play this game after playing super sonic and temple run on iPhone
never thought a classic would be replaced by some iPhone game lol
I can’t play this game after playing super sonic and temple run on iPhone
never thought a classic would be replaced by some iPhone game lol
Interesting take
Interesting take
I mean isn’t it true tho? Both iPhone games are literally crash
Bandicoot lol
Finally finished this. 46 hours. Was going for all 6 gems on every level but the less than 3 deaths gem on the final 3 levels (Toxic Tunnels, Cortex Castle, and Seeing Double) are literally not f***ing worth it. Yea lemme play another 6 hours repeating the same s*** over and over again jus to get some pointless gems. 225/228 is fine wit me. Glad I never have to touch this sorry ass game again a day in my life. It’s a f***ing shame because if this game stayed on par wit the first half of it, this would have been a 9 or 10 and been one of my favorite platformers ever. But because they decided that sickening difficulty was more important than actual fun factor, and actively decided to make the game unfairly f*** you in the ass as much as it possibly can, it is instead the most unenjoyable game I have played all year and most time spent wit it was nothing but hoping it would end. 5.5/10
Finally finished this. 46 hours. Was going for all 6 gems on every level but the less than 3 deaths gem on the final 3 levels (Toxic Tunnels, Cortex Castle, and Seeing Double) are literally not f***ing worth it. Yea lemme play another 6 hours repeating the same s*** over and over again jus to get some pointless gems. 225/228 is fine wit me. Glad I never have to touch this sorry ass game again a day in my life. It’s a f***ing shame because if this game stayed on par wit the first half of it, this would have been a 9 or 10 and been one of my favorite platformers ever. But because they decided that sickening difficulty was more important than actual fun factor, and actively decided to make the game unfairly f*** you in the ass as much as it possibly can, it is instead the most unenjoyable game I have played all year and most time spent wit it was nothing but hoping it would end. 5.5/10
The game is really good actually, very well made tbh.
Its just the absurd difficulty in alot of the levels sucks all the fun away.
If you play this just to finish the levels then its really fun, but if you want to collect all the boxes/gems (which always was part of why Crash is fun) then you are gonna have a very hard time.
The game becomes a chore after a while. They expect every player to be a platformer "pro-gamer" lol.
The game is really good actually, very well made tbh.
Its just the absurd difficulty in alot of the levels sucks all the fun away.
If you play this just to finish the levels then its really fun, but if you want to collect all the boxes/gems (which always was part of why Crash is fun) then you are gonna have a very hard time.
The game becomes a chore after a while. They expect every player to be a platformer "pro-gamer" lol.
Yea you put it exactly right, which is why I said “the most UNENJOYABLE” instead of flat out bad. It’s technically well made. But the focus on unfair difficulty absolutely ruined the game and made me hate my time spent on it. I look back on it wit a very bad taste in my mouth and end up extremely relieved that I never have to touch it ever again. That’s not how you effectively build a fun game.
This game is f***ing me up
I love a challenge but the game ain’t even fun at this point
This game is f***ing me up
I love a challenge but the game ain’t even fun at this point
its crazy how good the game is, but the difficulty makes it hard to enjoy fully.
This game is f***ing me up
I love a challenge but the game ain’t even fun at this point
Damn I was aboutta cop for the super low but
Damn I was aboutta cop for the super low but
I’m telling you, i died about 50 times in each of the last 10 levels
I’m telling you, i died about 50 times in each of the last 10 levels
Lmao yeah too many other good games out rn for me to be worried about stressing over Crash
Imma get it eventually for nostalgia purposes when I have nothing else to play tho
This game is f***ing me up
I love a challenge but the game ain’t even fun at this point
Heard this a lot. Apparently has a lot of bs crate placement too. Been holding out til it either drops low enough or comes to PC
Heard this a lot. Apparently has a lot of bs crate placement too. Been holding out til it either drops low enough or comes to PC
this game sucks ass
seems like you’re in the minority with this opinion
i love the older games but this one isnt it tbh
why is it coming to pc via
why is it coming to pc via
because its an activision game
because its an activision game
ig. I always thought was really only for their multiplayer stuff