  • Oct 4, 2020

    Spent a good 30 min in a level trynna get all the boxes, only for them to tell me in the end I missed 2 boxes

    The way they put these boxes and especially these hidden boxes is completely ridiculous

    Plus they really want you to finish these nverted levels without any deaths?

  • Oct 5, 2020
    2 replies

    Yeah the hidden boxes are overkill in this game

  • Oct 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah the hidden boxes are overkill in this game

    Idk if you've played a lot and i mean a lot of platforming games that hides shot everywhere then it shouldn't be too much of a problem

    -says a person who hasn't gotten all the crates in a level yet

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Yea I ain’t doing the N.Verted levels.

    I’m at 13 hours and jus now beat the second boss cause I been doing all 6 gems on every level. Even the NORMAL versions have taken me an hour on certain levels.

    Tried the N.Verted version of the first level, and easily got the 6 gems, but that color/strobing effect literally started hurting my eyes.

    THAT on some of the harder levels that were already ridiculous normally? Yea keep that.

  • Oct 6, 2020

    damnnnn i want this


  • Oct 6, 2020

    Idk if you've played a lot and i mean a lot of platforming games that hides shot everywhere then it shouldn't be too much of a problem

    -says a person who hasn't gotten all the crates in a level yet

    Sack boy is gonna be one of the first games I get on PS5, I love platformers.

    Aside from a lump of hidden boxes this is def the most fun (and stressful lol) game I’ve played this year .

    Beenox really did their thing. I’m on the the 3rd rift/island so I hope I’m not close to the end

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    The flashback tapes are brutal lmao.
    Spending a lot of time on them . Completing them is so satisfying

  • Oct 7, 2020

    The flashback tapes are brutal lmao.
    Spending a lot of time on them . Completing them is so satisfying

    I been holding them off. Got the platinum on the first 2 and the second one had me so infuriated that I didn’t even wanna touch anymore of em by time I beat it lmao.

  • Oct 7, 2020

    I really want to love this game but I can't

    I hate the grind sections. You slide around the corner BAM you missed a box cause you can't possibly collect it without already knowing it coming up, now you have to kill yourself in the game to be able to collect it.

    You lose momentum when you jump out of a slide.

    You can double jump which sucked in crash 3

    There are too many hidden crates and crates in general which sucks when you already kill yourself many times to collect all boxes and then you still miss some

    100%ing this game isn't fun cause you have to do too much perfect s***

    Modern mode doesn't make sense cause there would be no reason at all to collect crates if you don't get them all at once anyway

    Polar controls like dog s***, f***er is jumping over crates if you hold jump

    The flashback tapes is literally the best part of the game

    The fake shadow is ugly, turning it off is stupid cause you don't know where you land. Just do a fake shadow like the ones in the original trilogy on ps1

    The side characters are fun tho

    F*** grinding again, annoying ass ratchet clank vibes and I love ratchet but not the grinding sxns which are fine on ps2 tho

    Great game for anyone not caring about 100% tbh

  • Oct 8, 2020

    Bro honestly F*** Run It Bayou and No Dillo Dallying (Basically one in the same, NDD is the remix/time travel version of it.)

    That s*** is one of the worst levels I’ve ever played in ANY game period, it was that bad.

    That s*** is jus bad design. I only got the 6 gems for it but I would rather kill myself than EVER attempt to grab a perfect relic on that and I’m glad I never have to play it or look at it ever again.

    The only way that surf part at the end is even possible (To grab all the boxes) is by cheesing it and surfing backwards, which isn’t even an official mechanic.

    Jus terrible smh.

  • Oct 8, 2020

    This game

    Nostalgic perfection

  • Oct 11, 2020

    man this game is kind of disappointing. still haven't beaten it yet.

  • Oct 12, 2020
    1 reply

    I thought abt coppin' this s***, but never f***ing mind

  • Oct 12, 2020

    This game is way too hard.

    Like it is fine at first, but these last levels are ridiculously hard.

    Its gonna be a struggle trynna 100% this...definitely not doing the perfect s*** where you gotta get all diamonds with no deaths ( ) for every level tho.

  • Oct 12, 2020
    1 reply

    I thought abt coppin' this s***, but never f***ing mind

    The game is really fun if you are not into trynna 100%ing it

  • BnBallinToo

    The game is really fun if you are not into trynna 100%ing it

  • Oct 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Did you say you were done with KH3

  • Oct 14, 2020

    Lol good, you gotta get back in there and wrap it up.

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Oct 14, 2020

    Yeah the hidden boxes are overkill in this game

    Facts the levels themselves are fun but when I deliberately waste lives to make sure I got every box and I get to the end and it says I have boxes I missed I'm just like

  • Oct 14, 2020

    Made it to the last map in this. Been getting most of the regular gems along the way, a good bit of the inverted ones too. Not even trying the relic stuff, never found that fun in any Crash game.

  • Oct 16, 2020

    Bro honestly once you hit like the halfway point or so, this becomes the most unenjoyable game I’ve played this year. And I use that word because it’s not technically a bad game and it wouldn’t be correct to call it that, but they focused on challenge over fun to the point that the game becomes a f***ing chore to play.

    I’m 33 hours in and still got like 12 or 13 levels left and I haven’t even been going for perfect relics. Simply jus getting all 6 gems on each level and haven’t even touched the N. Verted levels (Other than when a couple gems are also needed from N. Verted to unlock the skins.)

    I’m at a point where I jus want the game over and I know I will never touch this again a day in my life. The fun factor is gone and it jus feels punishing to the point that it doesn’t even feel rewarding to suffer thru it and eventually pull off a level.

    I know I’m making it harder by going for the gems instead of simply jus running thru and beating the levels, but something won’t allow me to do that, since it’s removing over 50% of the game if you do that.

    Crash as a series is notoriously hard, but this is jus unfair and is by far the hardest in the entire series. This game is like if you took Stormy Ascent, and made it a f***ing POINT to make the entire game that ridiculously hard for no reason.

    S*** like this is exactly why I avoid bullshit like Dark Souls, Cuphead, Super Meat Boy, etc., but it seems like the popularity of s*** like that made Toys For Bob aim to make a game exactly like those instead of focusing on fun factor, which should always be number one priority when it comes to platformers. It’s exactly why Mario will forever hold the crown, even tho it has it’s fair share of difficulty as well.

  • Oct 16, 2020

    Maybe I would try to do 100% but restarting a level takes too long

  • Oct 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Also I think there are more moments when it's the game's fault you die and not the player's fault