Story time crodie
You be doing what I be doing, but way more neutral.....I see you
Hey man focus on your mental health therapy saved my life also drink teas and DO NOT DRINK CAFFEINE. Caffeine increases your brains activity and can lean either way of beneficial or detrimental.
There are other girls out there. View this as if your dog died. You cannot do anything about it. Leave that girl alone if you are sending her messages.
Weed may help at this time but if you have schizophrenia or schizophrenia in your family i do not suggest it. Good luck man!
Thanks so much for this advice bro I really appreciate it
I've actually been drinking a lot of coffee recently which is out of character for me but I needed it since I can't sleep anymore
I'll def be switching back to tea or matcha now
My friends suggested weed too but I've always been straight edge since I have an addictive type personality
Feels exactly like when my dog died and I still grieve the loss even though it was a long time ago
Tbh I already messed up sending a few messages and accidentally bumping into her earlier this week
Thanks so much for this advice bro I really appreciate it
I've actually been drinking a lot of coffee recently which is out of character for me but I needed it since I can't sleep anymore
I'll def be switching back to tea or matcha now
My friends suggested weed too but I've always been straight edge since I have an addictive type personality
Feels exactly like when my dog died and I still grieve the loss even though it was a long time ago
Tbh I already messed up sending a few messages and accidentally bumping into her earlier this week
@op It's cliche but time really does heal. Focus on yourself. Do things you enjoy, do things to improve yourself, lock into your job. Put yourself back out there when you're ready. The pain won't be as bad a month from now. Eventually you'll realise that you aren't thinking about her as much
Thanks so much for this message bro
The worst part is I've been crashing out so badly over this it's actually put my career in jeopardy
Time def does heal though
Reminds me of this tweet I saw earlier
You be doing what I be doing, but way more neutral.....I see you
Lol naaah you gon have to explain nigga
Advice: always keep one or two on ice. Never go all in on the girlfriend
ya you cant do this when your over 30 lol
Literally me in 2022 when I was juggling 6 different girls and they all showed up at the same event and were like "how do you know him??"
@op why you so invested in her? Y'all got kids?
How did you react?
I’m the type that rarely gets mad but I just overreacted and blew up and it escalated to the point she literally flew out of town that weekend
Wanting "proper closure" with an ex and expecting your current partner to be cool with that is kinda wild imo Idk what you did in response, so maybe you did overreact. But if it's any consolation, I don't think you're completely in the wrong for having an issue with the idea
That’s what my friends have been saying to me that I had every right to be upset. But I got way too angry tbh.
It’s too exhausting of a story
But basically she left her boyfriend of 6 years for me and everything was perfect until she had a falling out with her best friend and then started feeling guilty over not have any closure with her ex
@op why you so invested in her? Y'all got kids?
She’s perfect
The exact girl I’ve been praying for my whole life
And I know for sure I’ll never find that again
It’s too exhausting of a story
But basically she left her boyfriend of 6 years for me and everything was perfect until she had a falling out with her best friend and then started feeling guilty over not have any closure with her ex
Impossible situation bro 🫂
Two weeks is too soon man you gotta let it marinate for about a month or two. In the mean time you (both) gather your thoughts and learn from your mistakes and once you can properly and clearly express yourself you go have a cordial conversation. Might not be too late to mend or at the very least gain closure
Tell her nigga not us
She’s perfect
The exact girl I’ve been praying for my whole life
And I know for sure I’ll never find that again
A perfect girl isnt gonna leave her boyfriend of 6 years for another man then ask for closure from him
Good luck op, the real one for you is still out there