A perfect girl isnt gonna leave her boyfriend of 6 years for another man then ask for closure from him
Good luck op, the real one for you is still out there
sound like he dodged a bullet fr
Literally me in 2022 when I was juggling 6 different girls and they all showed up at the same event and were like "how do you know him??"
ladies, ladies…
We could make this work
It’s too exhausting of a story
But basically she left her boyfriend of 6 years for me and everything was perfect until she had a falling out with her best friend and then started feeling guilty over not have any closure with her ex
you fell for it, and I’m sorry
Her and her friend will be good by next month and buddy about to slide back in when once he gets that “hey” text
I’m sorry she had to use the excuse of her and her friend falling out to soften the blow to you that she was never over her ex and y’all were never gonna work out.
Ignore the friend part lol, it’s a cop for compassion as she breaks your heart
“Closure” Ight man
Ain’t no such thing she seen something she regrets leaving. How you need closure when YOU left? Lmaoo
This is beyond a therapy sesh tbh
To me this is like the equivalent to fumbling Rihanna
You're a rich guy just trying to brag to some bots and teenagers as a means of stroking your own ego. Venting is secondary to you right now, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt. Very shallow and immature. For someone with such material wealth, you are embarrassingly tacky and uncouth in the mind. Consider soul searching.
This is beyond a therapy sesh tbh
To me this is like the equivalent to fumbling Rihanna
You're my guy but if we both lost a Rihanna recently, we both can get another. If there's two there's more out here
You're a rich guy just trying to brag to some bots and teenagers as a means of stroking your own ego. Venting is secondary to you right now, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt. Very shallow and immature. For someone with such material wealth, you are embarrassingly tacky and uncouth in the mind. Consider soul searching.
Two weeks is too soon man you gotta let it marinate for about a month or two. In the mean time you (both) gather your thoughts and learn from your mistakes and once you can properly and clearly express yourself you go have a cordial conversation. Might not be too late to mend or at the very least gain closure
Tell her nigga not us
No I know 2 weeks is way too soon but I have zero peace over this and I can't function normally
I'm optimistic that I can somehow fix this situation but yea it's going to take a lot of time
A perfect girl isnt gonna leave her boyfriend of 6 years for another man then ask for closure from him
Good luck op, the real one for you is still out there
It was a complicated situation
Her ex was the only serious boyfriend she's ever had and they had so many significant life experiences together
It's not that she stopped caring for him but that he was going down a dark path that she didn't want to be around for
I think the guilt all started when his mom reached out to her telling her that he crashed his car and I think she was picturing a Mac Miller type crash out happening soon for him
It was a complicated situation
Her ex was the only serious boyfriend she's ever had and they had so many significant life experiences together
It's not that she stopped caring for him but that he was going down a dark path that she didn't want to be around for
I think the guilt all started when his mom reached out to her telling her that he crashed his car and I think she was picturing a Mac Miller type crash out happening soon for him
I think you’re cutting her too much slack
If all you said is true I would have been cautious about going all-in with her because, it sounds like she left him reluctantly
you fell for it, and I’m sorry
Her and her friend will be good by next month and buddy about to slide back in when once he gets that “hey” text
I’m sorry she had to use the excuse of her and her friend falling out to soften the blow to you that she was never over her ex and y’all were never gonna work out.
Ignore the friend part lol, it’s a cop for compassion as she breaks your heart
I know that's what it seems like but I honestly don't think so
I even went to a work event of her's recently (she couldn't make it but I still went) and her closest co-worker told me a secret that she's been praying that I propose to her next year and wants to marry me
Even when we first had the argument over this she was freaking out saying that no matter what I can't break up with her or leave her
It was a complicated situation
Her ex was the only serious boyfriend she's ever had and they had so many significant life experiences together
It's not that she stopped caring for him but that he was going down a dark path that she didn't want to be around for
I think the guilt all started when his mom reached out to her telling her that he crashed his car and I think she was picturing a Mac Miller type crash out happening soon for him
You’re glamorizing her
You're a rich guy just trying to brag to some bots and teenagers as a means of stroking your own ego. Venting is secondary to you right now, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt. Very shallow and immature. For someone with such material wealth, you are embarrassingly tacky and uncouth in the mind. Consider soul searching.
Furthest from the truth
I'm genuinely heartbroken and this is my way of journaling
OG KTT got me through a lot of high school/college/life stress
You're my guy but if we both lost a Rihanna recently, we both can get another. If there's two there's more out here
Here for you bro!!
Yes absolutely we'll both bounce back
Literally me in 2022 when I was juggling 6 different girls and they all showed up at the same event and were like "how do you know him??"
My nigga I said one or two, not half a dozen
I think you’re cutting her too much slack
If all you said is true I would have been cautious about going all-in with her because, it sounds like she left him reluctantly
She def left him reluctantly but even before I knew her she was trying to figure out how to leave him without hurting him for about 8 months
Even the week she broke up with him she was telling me and her friends that it's not that she doesn't care about him it's just that she knew she can't be with someone like him
I know that's what it seems like but I honestly don't think so
I even went to a work event of her's recently (she couldn't make it but I still went) and her closest co-worker told me a secret that she's been praying that I propose to her next year and wants to marry me
Even when we first had the argument over this she was freaking out saying that no matter what I can't break up with her or leave her
That’s cool she said that to the friend, but did she express that feeling to you? People can say whatever to other people, but if it isn’t to you, did it really happen? lol.
I don't understand this part of longterm relationships at times, if she really wanted it she would have asked. Straight like that. My cousins decade long girlfriend kept saying she wanted him to propose, I told her to tell him because my cousins was also saying “I wish she would tell me this” and lo and behold they broke up cause ya’ll don’t be just saying what you want 🤦🏾♂️ me and my girl cut to the chase and it avoids so many problems
Ya’ll had an argument and she was worried about you leaving? Sounds like she never had faith in the relationship or the strength of ya’lls communication.
Idk, you just don’t jump straight to break up cause we disagreeing. We discuss and rationalize and maybe help you understand your feelings and as a guy you always take the L in an argument, there’s no winning, just let her have it. Pick up the convo later under cooler heads
My nigga I said one or two, not half a dozen
It was my "just having fun" era haha
I didn't have any emotional connection to any of them and each of them had different interests so it was my way of casually dating for the experience
That’s cool she said that to the friend, but did she express that feeling to you? People can say whatever to other people, but if it isn’t to you, did it really happen? lol.
I don't understand this part of longterm relationships at times, if she really wanted it she would have asked. Straight like that. My cousins decade long girlfriend kept saying she wanted him to propose, I told her to tell him because my cousins was also saying “I wish she would tell me this” and lo and behold they broke up cause ya’ll don’t be just saying what you want 🤦🏾♂️ me and my girl cut to the chase and it avoids so many problems
Ya’ll had an argument and she was worried about you leaving? Sounds like she never had faith in the relationship or the strength of ya’lls communication.
Idk, you just don’t jump straight to break up cause we disagreeing. We discuss and rationalize and maybe help you understand your feelings and as a guy you always take the L in an argument, there’s no winning, just let her have it. Pick up the convo later under cooler heads
She never directly said it to me but she would allude to it a lot by subtlety referencing the potential of being engaged/married sometime next year
In regards to her worrying about me leaving it all stemmed from me getting so upset over the situation that I let my emotions get the best of me and I said something along the lines of "this isn't fair to me I don't want to be with you if this is how you feel" and she immediately panicked over this
I'm going to let a month go by before I revisit a convo with her
Hey man focus on your mental health therapy saved my life also drink teas and DO NOT DRINK CAFFEINE. Caffeine increases your brains activity and can lean either way of beneficial or detrimental.
There are other girls out there. View this as if your dog died. You cannot do anything about it. Leave that girl alone if you are sending her messages.
Weed may help at this time but if you have schizophrenia or schizophrenia in your family i do not suggest it. Good luck man!
Main takeaway I got from this was don't drink caffeine but smoke weed instead
She never directly said it to me but she would allude to it a lot by subtlety referencing the potential of being engaged/married sometime next year
In regards to her worrying about me leaving it all stemmed from me getting so upset over the situation that I let my emotions get the best of me and I said something along the lines of "this isn't fair to me I don't want to be with you if this is how you feel" and she immediately panicked over this
I'm going to let a month go by before I revisit a convo with her
Mmm, I see. She might just be confused and scared of the reality of the coming future and just wants to be sure she’s making the right decision
I’m sorry that comes at your mental loss but it’ll be okay bro. Like you said, just give it time and remain kind when she’s back. Let her do the talking. Went through what you going through a few times
Biggest nightmare ever
When the dust settled I had no girls, lost 3 solid friendships, and was basically blacklisted from 3 important spots in SoHo
My friends still laugh over all the drama that happened that week
Charge it to the game playa
How so?? This is what the situation was
Her leaving her boyfriend of 6 years for you is a much bigger red flag than you’re making it out to be imo
I’m not trying to s*** on you or her like please believe I’m not judging I’ve been in similar situations and I feel like after break ups its easy to just completely romanticize your ex. I’m not saying she’s a bad woman or you’re a bad man but it doesn’t seem like you guys were perfect for each other because that isn’t the circumstances a perfect relationship would start under imo