Not saying that I am or she is
I'm saying that "this is like the equivalent"
I know in my heart I will never find anyone better than her
yh i got that but let's be realistic she not anywhere near rihanna she not a billionaire that 99.999percent of men n women would give their left kidney to date stop putting her on a crazy pedistol she was special but she not gonna be the be all n end all you survived before her you will survive n thrive without her g
100% she even said to me months ago that her biggest fear isn't death it's divorce so she's def anxious about reality setting in
Thanks so much for your kind words bro it really means a lot
divorce being more scary than death- is an ... interesting mindset death is forever divorce means you have more chances to find a potentially better partner that mindset seems very dramatic but thats just my first reaction to hearing that thought process (obvs i dont know her) also i feel like id rather marry someone than have children with someone divorce u never have to connect to the dicorcee again with children u connected forever
Our course bro sorry for not beating around the bush but I just didn’t want you going through what I went through. Thanks for more info since every situation is unique and I think y’all be alright dawg
just keep your mental safe, please
You're the best I appreciate all the kindness
Sorry you had to go through a similar situation and hope you're doing well
yh i got that but let's be realistic she not anywhere near rihanna she not a billionaire that 99.999percent of men n women would give their left kidney to date stop putting her on a crazy pedistol she was special but she not gonna be the be all n end all you survived before her you will survive n thrive without her g
You're being too literal
I'm just saying that his was a historically bad fumble for me
clicked this thread thinking 'if this is about a b****..' and yep
What else would crashing out over a fumble be about
I've gone through a lot of break ups in my life but none of them really affected me because I knew they weren't meant to last forever
It's been over 2 weeks and I still can't find any peace in my heart
I ruined a perfect relationship with a perfect girl and I can't come to terms with my mistake
Any advice / words of encouragement??
I need to know more
What else would crashing out over a fumble be about
something important
I used to feel naked without 2, now the thrill of being b****less if I f*** up is thrilling. I think this is love
the thrill is thrilling
KTT got your back son..
You'll bounce back. It may hurt now, but time heals all wounds, despite how cliché that sounds. Trials and tribulations forms reliance, durability, and character. Experience is the best teacher. Before long you'll be back on track to greatness. We got your back and L&A is a haven for support.
Hey man focus on your mental health therapy saved my life also drink teas and DO NOT DRINK CAFFEINE. Caffeine increases your brains activity and can lean either way of beneficial or detrimental.
There are other girls out there. View this as if your dog died. You cannot do anything about it. Leave that girl alone if you are sending her messages.
Weed may help at this time but if you have schizophrenia or schizophrenia in your family i do not suggest it. Good luck man!
Isn’t there caffeine in tea?
You're a rich guy just trying to brag to some bots and teenagers as a means of stroking your own ego. Venting is secondary to you right now, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt. Very shallow and immature. For someone with such material wealth, you are embarrassingly tacky and uncouth in the mind. Consider soul searching.
You're being too literal
I'm just saying that his was a historically bad fumble for me
yh i hear u main point was try not to put her on such a pedestal we've all fumbled n we will all continue fumbling and stumbling accross gold we attain but repeating 'ill never find better' doesnt help
You're a rich guy just trying to brag to some bots and teenagers as a means of stroking your own ego. Venting is secondary to you right now, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt. Very shallow and immature. For someone with such material wealth, you are embarrassingly tacky and uncouth in the mind. Consider soul searching.
@op You being creepy by "accidentally" running into her and putting her on this pedestal. Trust me - that s*** does not attract women and will not lead to her coming back.
Forget about her. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. But don't do this obsession s***. You're dedicating a lot of your mental energy towards her, you'll feel hurt once you see her move on because a part of you will feel like "I spent so much time thinking about her, why don't she want me ". Make the mental decision now that things probably won't ever work out between you, that way you can't be disappointed if it doesn't
i fumbled more bad b****es then some niggas even seen in they life
I've gone through a lot of break ups in my life but none of them really affected me because I knew they weren't meant to last forever
It's been over 2 weeks and I still can't find any peace in my heart
I ruined a perfect relationship with a perfect girl and I can't come to terms with my mistake
Any advice / words of encouragement??
no such thing as a perfect person or a perfect relationship
don't idealize the person you're with or in your case no longer with.
the reality of a situation is what you need to focus on, not your imagination.
the fantasy you're thinking you lost is just gonna keep you in turmoil and emotionally anchored to the past
What else would crashing out over a fumble be about
Nigga thought u was in the NFL lol
@op You being creepy by "accidentally" running into her and putting her on this pedestal. Trust me - that s*** does not attract women and will not lead to her coming back.
Forget about her. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. But don't do this obsession s***. You're dedicating a lot of your mental energy towards her, you'll feel hurt once you see her move on because a part of you will feel like "I spent so much time thinking about her, why don't she want me ". Make the mental decision now that things probably won't ever work out between you, that way you can't be disappointed if it doesn't
My cringiest moment of my entire life was me calling this girl i “fumbled” like 6x in 3 days and her texting me to stop calling her i was like 19 or 20 but man it didn’t help anything at all with her
Whats crazy is when I finally got over her she told me she missed me and wanted me back lmao