  • Nov 2, 2024

    you fell for it, and I’m sorry

    Her and her friend will be good by next month and buddy about to slide back in when once he gets that “hey” text

    I’m sorry she had to use the excuse of her and her friend falling out to soften the blow to you that she was never over her ex and y’all were never gonna work out.

    Ignore the friend part lol, it’s a cop for compassion as she breaks your heart


  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    The relationship def didn't start out under perfect circumstances but the reason why she wanted to be with me was because we were both exactly what we were looking for and we had a perfect emotional connection

    She ended her long term relationship and immediately got with you so she is confused and doesn't know what she actually wants.

    You're just her rebound and she's using you for support until she sorts out her feelings.

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Long story short she basically broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years to be with me

    Months later she felt guilty and wanted proper closure with him and I overreacted

    idk what “proper closure” means but tbh idk what overreacting means in that case i’d prolly be confused as hell

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    If you really liked her you dont have to feel upset for needing more than 2 weeks to grieve, some feelings just need a o take their course

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Not saying that I am or she is

    I'm saying that "this is like the equivalent"

    I know in my heart I will never find anyone better than her

    i felt in my heart for about 3 years i would never find anyone better than who i had in college and i resigned to kind of just ending with whoever was good on paper or whatever but im with someone now who i align with way more and im glad i f***ed up when i did.

    i dont feel remorse over my past decisions anymore just gratitude that life can always be better

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    Long story short she basically broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years to be with me

    Months later she felt guilty and wanted proper closure with him and I overreacted

    Lmaoo don’t date someone that left someone for you

    S*** finna repeat you ain’t special, she just like that lol

  • Nov 2, 2024
    2 replies

    Rocket you are a millionaire

  • Nov 2, 2024

    I need to know more

    I wrote more about it in the thread

  • Nov 2, 2024

    KTT got your back son..

    You'll bounce back. It may hurt now, but time heals all wounds, despite how cliché that sounds. Trials and tribulations forms reliance, durability, and character. Experience is the best teacher. Before long you'll be back on track to greatness. We got your back and L&A is a haven for support.

    Thanks so much bro

    Love you!!

    I really needed to hear this

    I grateful for you and all of the other L&A fam that are genuine

  • Nov 2, 2024

    yh i hear u main point was try not to put her on such a pedestal we've all fumbled n we will all continue fumbling and stumbling accross gold we attain but repeating 'ill never find better' doesnt help

    No I know I just can't help the way I feel

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    @op You being creepy by "accidentally" running into her and putting her on this pedestal. Trust me - that s*** does not attract women and will not lead to her coming back.

    Forget about her. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. But don't do this obsession s***. You're dedicating a lot of your mental energy towards her, you'll feel hurt once you see her move on because a part of you will feel like "I spent so much time thinking about her, why don't she want me ". Make the mental decision now that things probably won't ever work out between you, that way you can't be disappointed if it doesn't

    No I know that was a big mistake but it wasn't as creepy as it sounds. Basically we would go together to the same weekly event so I knew she would be there but I would have still gone even if she didn't

    And I know but I just can't help it. Life without her has been a nightmare and I can't reprogram my brain to stop thinking about her.

    I legit feel like I am never going to recover from this which freaks me out.

  • Nov 2, 2024

    The feeling is mutual


  • Nov 2, 2024
    tomorrow volverse

    no such thing as a perfect person or a perfect relationship

    don't idealize the person you're with or in your case no longer with.

    the reality of a situation is what you need to focus on, not your imagination.

    the fantasy you're thinking you lost is just gonna keep you in turmoil and emotionally anchored to the past

    No I know and you're totally right

    But me viewing her as perfect isn't even me reflecting in hindsight or a honeymoon / rose colored glasses type effect

    Even my close friends all saw her as perfect and our relationship had zero problems as well

    But I know I won't be able to move on if I reminisce

  • Nov 2, 2024
    mr get dough

    Nigga thought u was in the NFL lol

    Dude thought I was Malachi Corley

  • Nov 2, 2024

    I love a good fumble

  • Nov 2, 2024

    She ended her long term relationship and immediately got with you so she is confused and doesn't know what she actually wants.

    You're just her rebound and she's using you for support until she sorts out her feelings.

    It's not black and white as it seems

    Even before I met her she was trying to break up with him for 8 months but they were in a long distance relationship and she wanted to speak in person

  • Nov 2, 2024

    idk what “proper closure” means but tbh idk what overreacting means in that case i’d prolly be confused as hell

    That's why I was pissed

    She brings up wanting "proper closure" with him months after they cut ties

    She was just hearing that he's been crashing out so she felt guilty about everything I guess

  • Nov 2, 2024

    If you really liked her you dont have to feel upset for needing more than 2 weeks to grieve, some feelings just need a o take their course

    Totally valid point but unfortunately my biggest flaw is I'm super impatient when it comes to waiting for answers and I shouldn't have bothered her recently that was def my mistake

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    i felt in my heart for about 3 years i would never find anyone better than who i had in college and i resigned to kind of just ending with whoever was good on paper or whatever but im with someone now who i align with way more and im glad i f***ed up when i did.

    i dont feel remorse over my past decisions anymore just gratitude that life can always be better

    I really needed to read this

    Thanks for sharing this bro

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply
    Troy Ave Stan

    Lmaoo don’t date someone that left someone for you

    S*** finna repeat you ain’t special, she just like that lol

    To be fair she was going to leave him even before she knew me

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    My cringiest moment of my entire life was me calling this girl i “fumbled” like 6x in 3 days and her texting me to stop calling her i was like 19 or 20 but man it didn’t help anything at all with her

    Whats crazy is when I finally got over her she told me she missed me and wanted me back lmao

    I had an ex I broke up with multiple times. Eventually she broke up with me in early 2020 but we kept chatting daily during COVID, so I thought we'd get back together. End of 2020 she became distant. I suspected she moved on and confronted her about it the next time I saw her

    Couple of years later, I see her driving while walking my dog. She parks outside a house close to mine. For the next few months, I walk my dog hoping to see her again. Even try to time my walks so that she sees me. See her driving to the house a few times, see her car parked outside the house a few times (was probably dating someone who lived there)

    It felt pathetic to be doing all that. Now I just walk my dog without thinking about her. Women really don't gaf about how you're in your feelings over them. Like you said, they tend to come running back when you finally moved on. So just move on @op, you won't convince her with obsessive behavior

  • Nov 2, 2024
    4 replies

    Rocket you are a millionaire

    Doesn't mean I can't be depressed

    I would give up everything to be with her again tbh

  • Nov 2, 2024
    1 reply

    No I know that was a big mistake but it wasn't as creepy as it sounds. Basically we would go together to the same weekly event so I knew she would be there but I would have still gone even if she didn't

    And I know but I just can't help it. Life without her has been a nightmare and I can't reprogram my brain to stop thinking about her.

    I legit feel like I am never going to recover from this which freaks me out.

    Tbh if there's an event that I knew an ex I still had feelings for would probably be going to, I'd actually try and avoid attending

    Get out of this headspace man She chose to end things, there's nothing you can do about it right now. Because trying to convince her to come back will just push her further away. Let her go, focus on yourself

  • Nov 2, 2024
    2 replies

    Doesn't mean I can't be depressed

    I would give up everything to be with her again tbh

    You would give up millions of dollars to be with this young lady?

  • Nov 2, 2024
    2 replies

    Doesn't mean I can't be depressed

    I would give up everything to be with her again tbh

    I don’t get you mate
