Vague question but is there more money in being a director vs a top billed actor
Just like Stallone I see
Super hard
Vague question but is there more money in being a director vs a top billed actor
top tier director vs top tier actor ?
or average director vs a top tier actor
top tier director vs top tier actor ?
or average director vs a top tier actor
Yeah I figured it'd be a case by case scenario but in this case MBJ directing vs MBJ acting
Yeah I figured it'd be a case by case scenario but in this case MBJ directing vs MBJ acting
MBJ probably makes less directing than he would acting, but his company is producing this as well so he'll make more than he did acting.
Typically in terms of wages for big budget movies, it goes main Producers > Actors > Directors
Yoooo I swore she was on creed! Haha
nah Coogler got the woman that filmed the goat boxing doco When We Were Kings
MBJ probably makes less directing than he would acting, but his company is producing this as well so he'll make more than he did acting.
Typically in terms of wages for big budget movies, it goes main Producers > Actors > Directors
damn. lol so where does that leave the writers
damn. lol so where does that leave the writers
Not much lol, the best ones be getting like $1.5M MAX
Enough for a good living though.
Would’ve loved Ryan coogler back but this could be interesting too, I’m glad he’s invested/into the movie and the role
This and Fruitvale is his best roles.
MBJ has gained so much damn respect from me.
The Static Shock thing and now this. I think it's great he's using this as his first time director. He knows how good the Creed movies are and won't want to disappoint for a great Trilogy.