  • Jul 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Letā€™s tag the submechaphobia guy

  • Jul 23, 2021

  • Jul 24, 2021

  • Jul 24, 2021

  • Jul 28, 2021

    100 years of wandering aimlessly in a void of chaos and then I get a second chance at existing?! What gives? I did my time! They just threw me out here to see if Iā€™d f*** up again! And on top of it, they put me into a birth family with schizos and bipolar disorder! I didnā€™t kill people out of choice, I fought for my damn country! And we still lost! Then they slap me with having a child with a woman I hadnā€™t seen in years! The field marshals get to sling d*** and disregard civilians as they pleased and I didnā€™t see any of those Faszkalaps in that hell hole! What am I suppose to do? What more can I do to redeem myself unto paradise? I pay in full on time, respect people, and bless the life Lord Heavenly Father graced me with! I did my time. Just let me rest in peace.

  • Jul 28, 2021

    Many of these gifs, which I call ā€œDark Ambience,ā€ are by talented digital effects artist Erica Anderson

  • Jul 30, 2021

    Within the shadows of Sheol where my spirit was laid in
    An obligation to reassure the warped mental patients

    This blacker aura of death martyrs I spit proper
    For the harpers who drop harder than Pearl Harbor

    Nine circles under
    Apocalypse is from us

    The frozen hatred in the lake where Satan plots his come up
    Limbo for the comforts

    Paradise few numbers
    The void within us is the silent hell we all run from

    Confront your primal monster
    Gauged out eyes inside of webs made of sin yet we scratch like the lotto number

    Makaveliā€™s Watchdogs
    Follow herds made of cotton lick the pack and resupply for the long winter

    Your diamonds bloody like slave workers in Helter Skelta
    Israeli children, berettas fall like May weather...

    ~Elohim Phantom

  • aeternitatis šŸ—»
    Jul 30, 2021

  • aeternitatis šŸ—»
    Jul 30, 2021

    I made dat

  • aeternitatis šŸ—»
    Jul 30, 2021
    1 reply

    It's 4 u

  • Jul 30, 2021
    1 reply

    It's 4 u

    Looks like a snow effect they wouldā€™ve added to old films I might use something like this when I make videos

  • Jul 30, 2021

    May just be my favorite character design period

  • aeternitatis šŸ—»
    Jul 30, 2021

    Looks like a snow effect they wouldā€™ve added to old films I might use something like this when I make videos

    I can make you a longer video if you want

  • Jul 31, 2021
    1 reply

    Letā€™s tag the submechaphobia guy

    f*** YOU

  • Jul 31, 2021

    f*** YOU

    You admittedly put me onto a cool set design idea I had no idea how to word ā€œunderwater industrial ambienceā€

  • Jul 31, 2021

    Dark Ambience pt. VIII

  • Jul 31, 2021

    Dark Ambience pt. IX

  • Aug 2, 2021

  • Aug 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Great thread

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Great thread

    Ur pretty cool I like your banners and profile pic

  • Aug 4, 2021

    Ur pretty cool I like your banners and profile pic

    šŸ–¤ right back at you

  • Aug 4, 2021

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Great thread