i know but why would they do that lmao
If you're going to show off flashy graphics, at least be 100 with it.
I can’t imagine this in 3rd person imma be real, 1st person makes more sense the more I think about it
If you're going to show off flashy graphics, at least be 100 with it.
They was just showing off the car lol
I can’t imagine this in 3rd person imma be real, 1st person makes more sense the more I think about it
I can’t imagine this in 3rd person imma be real, 1st person makes more sense the more I think about it
I feel like there should at least be a 3rd person option though
I feel like there should at least be a 3rd person option though
If anything maybe in your apartment so we can actually see the character they made us customise.
This game being a 3rd person shooter just don't sit well with me tho, especially after seeing the demo and how a lot of skills/mods were built with a first person view in mind.
I thought about maybe being given the option to switch back and forth when not in combat but it might be pretty jarring to keep switching between 1st and 3rd person
Will my launch ps4 even be able to run this game? Should I wait for ps5?
The vice president Michał Nowakowski announced last month that it will not be a next generation launch title. They are thinking about making a complete separate release made specifically for the new consoles.
The vice president Michał Nowakowski announced last month that it will not be a next generation launch title. They are thinking about making a complete separate release made specifically for the new consoles.
didnt they already announce the xbox series x version that you get for free at launch if you get it on Xbox one ??
didnt they already announce the xbox series x version that you get for free at launch if you get it on Xbox one ??
Yes true but it will just be an upgraded version of the Xbox One version.
dam is it worth waiting for the next gen version of this game if it's gonna take so long to release
dam is it worth waiting for the next gen version of this game if it's gonna take so long to release
If the PS4/XB1 version ends up being badly optimized, yeah.
TLOU2 getting spoiled is one thing, but I don’t want this spoiled from waiting too long
dam is it worth waiting for the next gen version of this game if it's gonna take so long to release
Apparently this not a next gen launch title so you might be waiting till maybe early 2021 to play the next gen version
Apparently this not a next gen launch title so you might be waiting till maybe early 2021 to play the next gen version
yeah that's what i just saw so i was contemplating whether waiting that long would be worth it lmbo
Gonna build a PC and this gonna be my game at launch
Big W, 60+ fps on High or Very High settings is gonna hit different