What’s the big appeal of this game? Like the combat, the graphics or the story?
Story first (it's based off a pen and paper role playing game Cyberpunk 2020, 2077 is way ahead of it though so theres a new tabletop setting coming soon that's set in between them called Cyberpunk Red). If it meets expectations though all three will be incredible
What’s the big appeal of this game? Like the combat, the graphics or the story?
For me the appeal is that it looks like a new Deus Ex game which is one my fav series
I recommend Deus Ex: human revolution and Deus Ex: mankind divided (although mankind divided is slow to start but I still recommend it for the rich open world and story)
honestly what would take this game to the next level is if you can add your own soundtrack or music to the game.
I would just have a bunch of kissland, ghost in the shell music, Akira and blade runner music running through it. actualité cyberpunk vibes
honestly what would take this game to the next level is if you can add your own soundtrack or music to the game.
I would just have a bunch of kissland, ghost in the shell music, Akira and blade runner music running through it. actualité cyberpunk vibes
PC mods
Everything about this game looks A1 except the shooting... it doesn't feel like it has the impact it should have
Everything about this game looks A1 except the shooting... it doesn't feel like it has the impact it should have
Melee combat looks a bit mid imo, other than combat though its looks incredible
Melee combat looks a bit mid imo, other than combat though its looks incredible
Animations and gun combat are bugging me, hope they fix those things by release
She getting smashed
Can we smash if we playing male or female? Are all romantic options essentially bi like fallout?
full map
This is insane if they really let us go to all the floors of those buildings. I heard your home base in like the 13th floor of a building
Can we smash if we playing male or female? Are all romantic options essentially bi like fallout?
Alanah Pearce said some women prefer other women
What’s the big appeal of this game? Like the combat, the graphics or the story?
I think is the open world. Picture TES mixed with GTA but in the future.
This is pretty small.
This really makes me wonder how many interiors this game has. Can’t wait to explore tf out of this
For those who want to see every option, there’s a lot. 6 skin types, 35 hairstyles, 17 eyes, 8 eyebrows, 17 eyes, 17 mouths, 17 jaws, 17 ears, 8 bits of “cyberware” (as well as no cyberware), 9 types of scars plus off, 6 types of tatts plus off, 11 piercings plus off, 5 types of teeth, 8 bits of eye makeup, 5 bits of lip makeup plus off, 3 blemishes, 3 types of nipples, 5 types of body tatts, 2 types of body scars, 2 d*** types, 1 vagina option, d*** size options, and 5 types of pubic hairs."
It’s not too many options actually compared to other games.
This is pretty small.
"If you look at pure surface in terms of square kilometers, then Cyberpunk 2077 might even be a little bit smaller than The Witcher 3, but it’s the density of the content, taking the world of The Witcher and squeezing it right in, deleting the wilderness between.