  • Nov 30, 2019
    2 replies

  • Nov 30, 2019
    rwina sawayama

  • Nov 30, 2019
    1 reply


    Ngl this being first person only kinda wack to me

  • Nov 30, 2019
    1 reply

    CD Red playing chess. In an industry of greedy money hungry companies they taking up the mantle of the gamers company.

    They are one of the few companies still in good standing with the community and everything their doing with the game is designed to keep it that way and still s*** on the competition.

    If this game lives up to hype, and I’m sure it will, CD going to be wearing the crown for a long time.

    gonna be bad for them when they have to start doing similar things to other companies to fund bigger projects they want to do

    theyve leaned too far into being the good guys that people will hate them soon same thing happened to rockstar

  • Nov 30, 2019

    Ngl this being first person only kinda wack to me

    Yeah but that's the only negative I can think of. Everything else looks perfect

  • Nov 30, 2019
    1 reply

    gonna be bad for them when they have to start doing similar things to other companies to fund bigger projects they want to do

    theyve leaned too far into being the good guys that people will hate them soon same thing happened to rockstar

    I mean if their games keep being best sellers they dont have to change anything really.

  • Nov 30, 2019
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    I mean if their games keep being best sellers they dont have to change anything really.

    sounds like theyre already considering micros for cyberpunk online and if they want that to be a long term game they probably need something like that

    but a lot of their supporters are the weirdo gamer nerds who lose their mind over that s***

  • Nov 30, 2019

    sounds like theyre already considering micros for cyberpunk online and if they want that to be a long term game they probably need something like that

    but a lot of their supporters are the weirdo gamer nerds who lose their mind over that s***

    It depends. I'm not mad at microtransactions if they add something of serious value.

    Witcher 3 dlc was 1000% worth it.

    There's some devs that'll sell you a level for 20 bucks day one that clearly couldve just been included with the game and add like 20 minutes of playtime. Or having to pay for different colors of the same outfit. S*** like that I'm not a fan of.

    If it's an expansion pack deal I'll buy all of them.

    Idk how theyll do the multiplayer micro's but I'll wait on it because they earned my trust with witcher 3. I was so happy when they gave out like 20 free dlc with 2 a week. That was so awesome.

  • I need this on Scarlett already

  • Dec 1, 2019
    1 reply

    I was under the impression that this game was first-person only since the first trailer dropped lol.

  • Dec 1, 2019

    I was under the impression that this game was first-person only since the first trailer dropped lol.

    It is. Only thing that can be third person is the driving.

  • Dec 1, 2019
    rwina sawayama

    them slave hours took a toll

  • Dec 1, 2019
    1 reply

    Anyone else worried this is gonna be mid as f***

    I really don't want it to be and I hope I'm proven wrong but idk I just feel like this might flop somehow

    Dialogue is a lil corny too

  • Dec 1, 2019
    1 reply
    big stepper renzo

    Anyone else worried this is gonna be mid as f***

    I really don't want it to be and I hope I'm proven wrong but idk I just feel like this might flop somehow

    Dialogue is a lil corny too

    Potentially; CDPR are in a difficult position which allows failure as much as it does success.

    They’ve garnered gigantic cult following in the gaming world, owing to The Witcher 3‘s amazing successes, as well as their refreshingly old school stances on gaming — free DLCs, paid DLCs being over 10+ hours, no loot boxes etc. They totally blew everyone out of the water.

    Now enter Cyberpunk 2077, which has unfortunately been littered small controversies. First we had the news it was first person rather than third; then there were issues with the trans community, followed by janky apologies; then there was news that they’ve cut down the amount of screen time of your first person character in cut scenes. In the long run, these are all inconsequential, but they don’t look great, and show a bit of pressure on CDPR now they’re the name on everyone’s lips.

    In terms of the actual game — I agree about the dialogue. It does come across a little cheesy; it’s a lot easier to do English medieval fantasy and play it seamlessly than it is to do American future-tech.

    Still, whilst the rollout hasn’t been flawless and the dialogue is a bit iffy, I’m still very excited. At the very least, we’ll be hit with a 40+ hour length game, which I’m hoping will adorn CDPR’s biggest strengths - their nuanced and refreshing side quests, attention to detail, and fantastically atmospheric musical score.

  • Grenouille

    Potentially; CDPR are in a difficult position which allows failure as much as it does success.

    They’ve garnered gigantic cult following in the gaming world, owing to The Witcher 3‘s amazing successes, as well as their refreshingly old school stances on gaming — free DLCs, paid DLCs being over 10+ hours, no loot boxes etc. They totally blew everyone out of the water.

    Now enter Cyberpunk 2077, which has unfortunately been littered small controversies. First we had the news it was first person rather than third; then there were issues with the trans community, followed by janky apologies; then there was news that they’ve cut down the amount of screen time of your first person character in cut scenes. In the long run, these are all inconsequential, but they don’t look great, and show a bit of pressure on CDPR now they’re the name on everyone’s lips.

    In terms of the actual game — I agree about the dialogue. It does come across a little cheesy; it’s a lot easier to do English medieval fantasy and play it seamlessly than it is to do American future-tech.

    Still, whilst the rollout hasn’t been flawless and the dialogue is a bit iffy, I’m still very excited. At the very least, we’ll be hit with a 40+ hour length game, which I’m hoping will adorn CDPR’s biggest strengths - their nuanced and refreshing side quests, attention to detail, and fantastically atmospheric musical score.

    Great post bro i agree with everything you said, I'm just trying not to get my hopes up too much, going from the witcher 3 to this sort of reminds me of going from fallout 3 and new vegas to fallout 4, I feel like if this game isn't on the same level as the witcher 3 or better things arent going to go too well for them

    Im still disappointed/confused about them adding multiplayer in the game too, I just don't see the need for it with an open world RPG game and don't really see it working too well tbh, having a large open world in multiplayer sounds good on paper but i fear it may just end up like GTA or Red Dead Online, especially since microtransactions are basically confirmed now too

  • Dec 13, 2019

    Soundtrack goes insane

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Delayed until September 😫

  • Jan 16, 2020

    I'm gonna be sick, 5 MONTH DELAY

  • Jan 16, 2020
    · edited

    Delayed until September 😫

    The one game I was REALLY looking forward to this year man smh, I guess I could get FF7 but im not tryna buy a Square Enix game day 1 in 2020

  • Jan 16, 2020


  • Jan 16, 2020

    dam this the only game i was gonna get this year

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Dawg come on

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 16, 2020


  • Jan 16, 2020
    2 replies

    damn huge delay

    not worth playing it on PS4, will wait 2/3 months and play it on PS5

  • Jan 16, 2020